HSU Requestor View
HSU Client Login Please select the Client Login link located up top when accessing home page.
Client Login Page Username and Password will be provided by Accurate Background. Password is case sensitive. Example: If you are entering the correct password in lowercase but it was originally saved in upper case you will not be able to gain entry. Users will be locked out for multiple failed login attempts for a configurable amount of time. The number of failed attempts is configurable based on your preference and the default number of failed attempts is 5. If the Username/Password is forgotten, please contact Accurate Background.
Password Expired Page Accurate Background will provide a temporary password for all users. Upon entry users will be prompted to create a new password following certain guidelines listed. The system will prompt users to create a new password every 90 days.
Accurate Background Welcome Page This page will recognize the user by name and will provide useful updates in the bulletin area. (i.e., Upcoming courts closures due to holidays, updates on court delays across the U.S., upgrades on the Accurate Background site or if technical difficulties are being experienced, etc.)
Ordering Background Checks To begin process select the “Order” button located on the top left of the page.
Ordering Background Checks To begin, select type of search from the “Please Select Package” drop down menu. Select “See Package Descriptions” for full details on each package and what will be searched.
Ordering Background Checks Candidate Information is the next section that must be addressed. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. The ‘Reference #” is a field (1) Job Number and a small job title (ex. Job # 7034 Anthropology Pool). (2) If no job #, then add only description (ex. Athletics Camp Volunteer; Student Assistant Housing) However something MUST be entered every time. Enter applicant’s name and email address.
Ordering Background Checks “Miscellaneous” is the next section that must be addressed. Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. “Location for the position” is ALWAYS CA. Upon completion of all fields select the “Submit New Request” icon or to add an a la carte search select the “Submit and Add A La Carte” button to proceed.
Ordering Background Checks Select the search or searches you would like to add and press “Submit a la carte”. If you selected “Add a la carte” inadvertently choose “Submit without a la carte” to proceed.
Confirmation Page Once Background is submitted a confirmation number will be issued. Please use when emailing or calling to give or obtain information.
Candidate Invitation Email Once request is submitted the Candidate will receive an email invitation to complete their background information. The email will include a secure URL link with a unique login ID and password. If the Candidate does not log in after 48 hours of the email being sent, an alert email will be sent to the Requestor. The requestor should then follow up with the candidate.
Candidate Invitation Email Candidate View
Candidate Login From the invitation email candidate will enter the assigned username and password. Login ID is only valid for 10 days from invitation.
Useful Documents Along with the ID and Password information the candidate will receive the following Disclosure & Authorization form Summary of Right Under the FCRA Identity Theft Victim Summary of Rights CA Summary of Rights Useful terms for reviewing background reports (Glossary)
Status Definitions Status Description Awaiting Candidate Input Invitation has been sent to the Candidate. Draft Candidate has received invitation and is in the process of entering their information. Pending The background check is in progress. Completed The background check is complete. Cancelled This status is displayed when the requestor contacts Accurate Background and asks that the request be cancelled because they do not want to proceed. This is a manual cancellation by Accurate Background due to client’s request and can only occur before the candidate’s information has been dispatched to the researcher or verifier. (Needs to occur within minutes of submittal) Other Information Needed (OIN) Additional Information may be needed to complete the background check request (i.e. copy of the Background Release form to be faxed). Please contact Client Services immediately to provide the additional information requested in order to avoid further delays. (A formal e-mail will be sent to both the applicant and the requestor informing them of an “other information needed” Status. If the information is not received then the search will Be cancelled within 72 hours from the time the “OIN” e-mail is sent. Release Needed Wet signature release is required in order to complete a check or Verification, the above OIN scenario timing will apply. (Report level Status) In Adjudication Package is complete and is currently being reviewed by the reviewer.
Electronic D&A To begin the Electronic Disclosure & Authorization process, candidate must enter where they reside and what location they will be working in.
Electronic D&A
Electronic D&A Candidate must type name in as spelled and click on the “Sign & Continue” button.
Electronic D&A Candidate may download and print a copy of their signed Disclosure & Authorization and State Required Summary of Rights.
Candidate Input Information previously input by requester will be pre-populated. Candidate will input the additional information needed to process the background request. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. If the Candidate makes any changes to the pre-populated fields, the Requestor will be advised in the confirmation email.
Candidate Input Based on the package ordered, additional information may be required from the candidate. If Blue text links are listed, candidate must select and complete each section (i.e. Education or Employment Information).
Employment Verification Candidate must select category and enter all fields with an asterisk (*) and select “Submit” at bottom.
Education Verification Candidate is required to complete each blue link to continue.
Candidate Input If any corrections are needed, the candidate may select “edit” or “delete” to begin again. Select “submit” to complete. Drafts not submitted will cancel after 10 days.
Candidate Input Complete the conviction question, then select “Continue”.
Candidate Input Once all the information is submitted, the Candidate verifies and certifies everything is accurate. By selecting “I Agree” the candidate is authorizing the background check to be completed and acknowledging their rights under the FCRA. The Requestor will receive an email advising that the background request is now in progress Should the Candidate select “I Disagree” the background check will not be processed
Confirmation Page The candidate will receive a confirmation number upon entering background submittal. Confirmation number will match the number the recruiter receives when they initiated the background search.
Other Information Needed If a “Other Information Needed” e-mail is received please contact our Client Service department : 800- 216-8024 If a response is not received within 72 hours the check will be cancelled as “Unable to Verify”
Release Needed If a “Release Needed” e-mail is received please contact our Client Service department : 800- 216-8024 If a response is not received within 72 hours the check will be cancelled as “Unable to Verify”
Contact Details Client Services Department 800.216.8024 Status Assistance, Cancelling Requests, Adding A La Carte’s, Adding/Deactivating users (submittal process) Candidate Assistance (Report requests, how to read report, provide high statues, assist with online completion) Hours of operation: Monday ~ Friday 5:00am PST to 6:00pm PST & 7:00pm PST to 3:30am PST
Questions and Answers on Policy HR 2015-08 Jim Stemach 5177 Melissa Koval 5476 Dave Bugbee 5175 Stephanie Vick 5486 Ariel Aaron 4501