Zoë Science Cameras Life in the Atacama 2005 Science and Technology Workshop
Zoë Cameras: FOV SPI FI Workspace Cams
Field of View 81.1 deg HFOV 1024 pixel resolution 1.4 mm / pixel at 1 m distance Cameras are focused but with a wide FOV, so the area per pixel is large October 4, 2004 21:38:02 GMT (U041004_2138)
Left camera – Aperture opened to see dark areas Workspace Cameras Left camera – Aperture opened to see dark areas October 4, 2004 17:51:39 GMT (U041004_1751)
Right camera – Aperture closed to see bright areas Workspace Cameras Right camera – Aperture closed to see bright areas October 4, 2004 17:51:39 GMT (U041004_1751)
Lighting Effects: Bright Sun October 9, 2004 17:49:48 GMT (Z041009_1649) Bright noon sky (12:49 pm local time) Auto-exposure cannot compensate lighting levels in all regions of both images
Lighting Effects: Clouds October 7, 2004 16:17:05 GMT (Z041007_1617) Overcast morning sky (11:17 am local time) Auto-exposure evened out brightness in both images
Lighting Effects: Shadows October 4, 2004 21:38:02 GMT (U041004_2138) Clear afternoon sky (4:38 pm local time) Auto-exposure evened out brightness in both images
Rover advances, plows in reverse, FI moves left Plowing October 4, 2004 17:24:38 GMT U041004_1724 Rover advances, plows in reverse, FI moves left October 4, 2004 17:51:39 GMT U041004_1751
Realistic color, consistent exposure Site B, Sol 5, Locale 19 SPI Realistic color, consistent exposure Site C, Sol 13, Locale 41 Color calibration missing from many panoramas, targets should be moved to the back of the spine
Site B, Sol 7, Locale 24 Runout SPI Wheels are visible at maximum tilt, but stitching is difficult Site B, Sol 7, Locale 24 Runout Unexpected weather is apparent
VNIR and SPI % Offset from Image Center Offset at 3.5 m is this big height ~3.5 m Distance of Object [m]
Workspace images SPI images Data Product Sizes Workspace images Each image is 450 to 700 kB (JPEG) SPI images Full resolution (1280x960) images are from 50 to 700 kB (JPEG) Low resolution (320x240) images can be as small as 15 kB (JPEG) Compare data volume of a SPI panorama to that of periodic images every 100 m
Huge File Size 1 image @ 100 = 4 images @ 80 = 10 images @ 20 Compression Huge File Size (Though still an order of magnitude smaller than the raw data.) 1 image @ 100 = 4 images @ 80 = 10 images @ 20 Unacceptable Image Quality Good Tradeoff (Many programs use 75 or 80 as defaults.) Thanks for the slide, Dom
Suggested Enhancements Workspace cameras Higher resolution cameras? Better exposure control? Make sure depth of focus is acceptable SPI cameras Work on visualization tools Improve placement of color targets Make sure white target is in panorama Increase 3D data from large and small baseline cameras? Improve reliability – allow simultaneous PTU and FI