Projet co-financ é par le Fonds Europ é en de D é veloppement R é gional - FEDER Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF Overview.


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Presentation transcript:

Projet co-financ é par le Fonds Europ é en de D é veloppement R é gional - FEDER Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF Overview of SMILIES achievements capitalised in CreativeMED Contribution to EUROPE 2020 and Islands 13 th INSULEUR FORUM – Gozo, November 8 th, 2013 Overview of SMILIES achievements capitalised in CreativeMED Contribution to on going work on EUROPE 2020 and ISLANDS Thanos Contargyris –SMILIES Technical Coordinator – Rethymno CCI

Projet co-financ é par le Fonds Europ é en de D é veloppement R é gional - FEDER Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF Overview of SMILIES achievements capitalised in CreativeMED Contribution to EUROPE 2020 and Islands 13 th INSULEUR FORUM – Gozo, November 8 th, 2013 SMILIES Small Mediterranean Insular Light Industries Enhancement and Support Pilots and policies for developing small, green and innovative industries in MED islands Strengthening strategic cooperation between business actors, economic development actors, innovation enablers and public authorities

Projet co-financ é par le Fonds Europ é en de D é veloppement R é gional - FEDER Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF Small Mediterranean Insular Light Industries Enhancement and Support SMILIES: WHY? The development of innovative manufacturing activities and processes in MED Islands Consolidates and enhance their innovation capacities Allows the diversification of their economy Upgrades the qualifications and the seasonality of the jobs offered Has a multiplier effect on all economic activities Valorises their cultural and human resources Improves their use of key natural resources, notably water and energy. However insularity, scarcity of some resources the need for compatibility with existing activities are constraints for exploiting this potential. Overview of SMILIES achievements capitalised in CreativeMED Contribution to EUROPE 2020 and Islands 13th INSULEUR FORUM – Gozo, November 8th, 2013

Projet co-financ é par le Fonds Europ é en de D é veloppement R é gional - FEDER Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF Overview of SMILIES achievements capitalised in CreativeMED Contribution to EUROPE 2020 and Islands 13 th INSULEUR FORUM – Gozo, November 8 th, 2013 Small Mediterranean Insular Light Industries Enhancement and Support HOW SMILIES FACED THIS CONTEXT? - By develop networks and synergies between key-actors at the local and transnational level to improve and monitor the global impact of small industry on island development - - Addressing insularity obstacles by building partnerships with remote partners and innovation actors to enhance local innovation capacities - - By defining (and promoting the adoption of) evidence based industrial innovation policies and integrated actions able to generate new models of development and economic diversification for Med islands

Projet co-financ é par le Fonds Europ é en de D é veloppement R é gional - FEDER Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF WHAT SMILIES ACHIEVED? 1) 1)Organised a call and received 153 innovative pilot project proposals (Innovative ideas for valorising, complementing and serving existing local activities or resources) Building Tourism Retail Agriculture ICT/HR Heritage 2) Selected 99 pilots, organised in clusters in 5 regions and provided trans-regional support services for them. (e-coordinated coaching, mentoring and expertise provision) 3) Evaluated, prized & promoted pilots with best results Penteconter Pivicci Informamuse Talasli Naxos O2

Projet co-financ é par le Fonds Europ é en de D é veloppement R é gional - FEDER Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF LESSONS LEARNED… SUCCESS FACTORS

Projet co-financ é par le Fonds Europ é en de D é veloppement R é gional - FEDER Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF LESSONS LEARNED… OBSTACLES

Projet co-financ é par le Fonds Europ é en de D é veloppement R é gional - FEDER Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF Small Mediterranean Insular Light Industries Enhancement & Support Deepen SMILIES results with INSULEUR? EXAMPLES OF POSSIBLE WORK FEEDING EUROPE 2020 STRATEGY IN INSULAR REGIONS Promote electric motion in islands one proposal made first to INSULEUR… Work on themes we worked on using our best pilots as guides: - -Renewable energies development - -Energy saving (especially in building and in transports) - -Waste management - -Water management - -Transports and logistics improvement - -Cultural heritage as a competitive advantage - -Know how valorisation (in artisanat small industry) - -Exploitation of technological innovation Products for niche markets - -Natural attraction better valorisation…in tourism (but not only) Overview of SMILIES achievements capitalised in CreativeMED Contribution to EUROPE 2020 and Islands Contribution to EUROPE 2020 and Islands 13 th INSULEUR FORUM – Gozo, November 8 th, 2013

SMILIES results feed today CreativeMED A MED capitalisation project, developing a framework for bottom-up Smart Specialisation, based on cultural anchoring, open network organizations, innovation mixes, collective learning, and shared values Expected results? 1) Guides for elaborating MED specific S3s, which will be not only Smart but also Sustainable & Inclusive 2) Methods and tools, based on MED results, to enhance regional innovation capacity and indicators for measuring the impact of such enhancement 3) Evidence based illustrations of the need for bottom-up and collaborative approaches at all steps of elaboration and implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3)

CreativeMED Model (address all RIS3 steps) Substance Vision –Desired results Frameworks (context) –Spatial structures,clusters... Key measures (priorities) –Possible operations Process Governance –Participation, openness Policy tools (to mix) –Rules, procedures, instruments Indicators –For diagnosis, evaluation and monitoring This model is currently used to organise the synthesis of the results to be capitalised. It is proposed to all stakeholders to participate to its verification through working groups. Verification includes its use for elaborating contributions to different RIS3 in line with EUROPE 2020 strategy

CreativeMED and INSULEUR USE OF CreativeMED approach for feeding EUROPE 2020 STRATEGY IN INSULAR REGIONS? -Common context: SWOTs, assets, obstacles, dominating activities and clusters are very similar Common vision? Antagonist visions? Shared priorities Common instruments / Shared tools Governance : To decide what can be shared Common indicators / Shared evaluation Specific visions

Projet co-financ é par le Fonds Europ é en de D é veloppement R é gional - FEDER Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF THANK YOUR FOR YOUR ATTENTION… MERCI DE VOTRE ATTENTION… ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ ΣΑΣ… GRAZIE… GRACIAS… OBRIGADO… Athanase CONTARGYRIS Technical coordinator of SMILIES