Eco Friendly Television B101- The Technology Context coursework assignment 2
The Product The Sony Bravia Eco range. What makes it an Eco friendly television. How does the Bravia range compare to other television ranges. The Sony Bravia Eco friendly television range is and ongoing range of televisions that have been designed and modified with power saving functions like no other televisions. The eco range has set the bench mark for power saving televisions. The designs of the Sony Bravia televisions make them extremely good at saving electricity and ensuring that the television uses as little energy as possible. Sony has looked into the way that their televisions are manufactured and have taken steps to reduce the materials that they use to create and package their product. Sony was one of the first giant companies that decided to invest in eco friendly televisions. Their eco television were the only decent eco television availably back when it was launched in 2007. Since then more companies have opted to make eco friendly televisions for example Samsung, Philips and LG. Sony still are the most well known for creating eco televisions.
Design Design process Power saving designs Material use Fewer materials Eco components Power saving designs Presence sensor Eco switch Material use Re-use of materials . Transport energy efficiency. The design process of the Bravia eco range is very efficient. The Television design process was looked into to make the process more efficient the design team on the Bravia range went all out to ensure that the product wasn't just eco friendly in use but also before it was created. All of the components used in the television were made with the environment in mind so they are all efficient in some way. Most of the materials used can be recycled when the products life has finished. The Sony Bravia has many energy saving features. The features were designed to make the television consume less power when in use and when not in use. The features are what make the television eco friendly and Sony designed the television to save power in as many different scenarios as possible to ensure that the customers save energy regardless of how often they use the televisions. The Sony Bravia televisions are made of 70% recycled materials in a bid to save on resources. The design team decided to make the manual electronic so no paper manuals were created. All papers, plastics and other material that weren't used are recycled. The packaging of the televisions has been reduced so less materials like cardboard and plastic are wasted. The transporting of the product to retailers has changed to reduce the carbon footprint even more and the idea is to have larger loads on a lorry so less transport vehicles are used the Sony transports can take 50% more 40 inch televisions then before.
The Eco Features Sony Bravia energy saving features: Intelligent presence sensor Light sensor Energy saving switch Hot Cathode Fluorescent Lamp The intelligent presence sensor on the Sony Bravia TV allows the television to turn off the picture on the television when the viewer has left the room and then turn it back on when viewer returns the sound remains on so the viewer knows the television is still on. The Light sensor on the Bravia detects the amount of light in the in the room and changes the brightness accordingly. Brighter the room the less bright the television needs to be. This helps to reduce the overall amount off energy used. The energy saving switch on the Sony Bravia makes the TV use no electricity when in standby mode. The energy saving switch is the most practical way to save electricity. The hot cathode fluorescent lamp is used to backlight the television making the images clearer for the viewer. The new type that Sony use 50% less electricity that before.
Manufacturing Sony’s eco manufacturing Recycled materials Little hazardous materials Less packaging Electronic manuals and instructions
Comparisons Samsung Philips Samsung has made an eco promise to their customers that they have done the best they can to reduce there materials used with the process of making the television. Philips Philips have created the 9000 range. These television offer the customer dimming technology that reduces the backlight energy used by the device. Also the Philips 9000 range has the same light sensor that the Sony Bravia has. Philips Philips have created eco televisions that are similar in terms of eco features as the Sony Bravia range. The Philips 9000 range contains diming technology that dims the backlight of the television accordingly to the light sensor feature. The television also has lead free components making it easier to be recycled efficiently. Samsung Samsung do have much in terms of their eco televisions. Instead they have launched a global campaign that promises that the company have done as much as they can to reduce the amount of materials and raw materials used in the making of the televisions that they make. Samsung does not include many features that reduce the amount of electricity used by their television range.
References Samsungs eco promise. Philips 9000 eco television range. Sony Bravia Range 40we5w#pageType=Overview
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