Session Two Founding Fathers God’s Big Plan Session Two Founding Fathers
First Steps
Stepping Out
Song One more step along the way
Stepping In
Saying Sorry We are sorry God that so often even during this past week, we have put our foot in it. We have opened our mouths without thinking and our words have caused upset, misunderstanding or hurt. We are sorry. We have put our foot in it as we barged into a situation , thinking we were going to make things better but only to make things worse. We have put our foot in it and made wrong judgements about people, having a biased, critical and uninformed understanding of their thoughts, feelings and experiences.
We have put our foot in it and made important decisions without thinking of your will and way for us motivated by our self will instead of your will. We are sorry Lord. Please forgive us for the mess we have made of our lives and sometimes of other people’s lives as well. Please forgive us and give us the power this week to see your foot prints and in them plant our own. Amen
Genesis 22 v 1-18
God has spoken I must obey
Song: All to Jesus I surrender
Miner Missionary Minister
Song: Jesus, all for Jesus
Genesis 50 v 15-21
Praise Time- words for songs
One Many
Command Promise
Trust Obey
Song; Hear the call of the kingdom.