Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns. Remember that you use demonstrative adjectives to point out people or things that are nearby and farther away.


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Presentation transcript:

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Remember that you use demonstrative adjectives to point out people or things that are nearby and farther away. A demonstrative adjective always comes before the noun and agrees with it in gender and number.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Jaime beaucoup travailler dans ce centre de recréation. I really like to work at this recreation center. Qui a offert cette nouriture? Who donated that food? Je vais aider ces malades. I´m going to help those patients.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Demonstrative adjectives can be used to define which noun we are talking about. Demonstrative pronouns are used to replace a noun and a Demonstrative adjective together.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Il mest impossible de travailler pour ce candidat, mais il me plaît de travailler pour celui-là. It´s impossible for me to work for this candidate, but I would love to work for that one. Vois-tu ses sacs de main? Sil te plaît, lève ceux-ci, mais ne lève pas ceux-là. Do you see those bags? Please pick up these ones, but don´t pick up those ones over there.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns To refer to an idea, or something that has not been identified, use the demonstrative pronouns celui, or celle OR ceux, celles.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns ceci est injuste. Celà me plairait. Lequel est là bas? This is unfair. I would love that. What is that (over there)?

This and These (close to you) Adjectives Ce, cet-ci(this)ces-ci (these) Cette-ci (this)cettes-ci (these) Pronouns Celui-ci (this one)ceux-ci (these ones) Celle-ci(this one)celles-ci(these ones)

That and Those (closer to the person you are talking to) Adjectives Ce, cet-là (that)ces-là (those) Cette-là(that)cettes-là (those) Pronouns Celui-là (that one)ceux-là (those ones) Celle-là (that one) celles-là (those ones)