WEATHER IMPACTS on Dominica Dominica Meteorological Service
Geographical Location Dominica Meteorological Service
Mountainous Terrain: Mainly Volcanic Soil Structure Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service Comparison/contrast of Melville Hall (MHA) and Cane-field (DCF) Rainfall patterns Wettest month on record for MHA November. Avg Value 335.3mm (30 yr) 30 year Annual Rainfall average: 2569.1 Wettest month on record for DCF September 241.1mm (20yr) 28 year Annual Rainfall Avg. (1748.7) Dominica Meteorological Service
A look at our extremes so far November 2011 Rainfall total for MHA was 674.4mm Effects of feeder bands of TS Sean September 2011 Rainfall total for DCF was 416.6mm. Effects of TS Ophelia. (Massive and Unexpected flooding) Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service MIRACLE LAKE Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service Before & After Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service Damage Dominica Meteorological Service
Ministry of Public Works, Energy & Ports Damage= 2.86 Million Rehabilitation= 22 Million Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service 4.8MM 257.2MM 259.8MM 157.4MM 24 -hr RAINFALL Dominica Meteorological Service
Ministry of Public Works, Energy & Ports Damage= 7mil Rehabilitation= 45.6 mil Dominica Meteorological Service
Water system and distribution DOWASCO estimates that 90% of the population of Dominica have access to drinking water from its water systems. DOWASCO has a total of 44 Water System Areas that provide water to Dominicans. Caretakers are assigned to take care of the water systems and report any problems that may affect the quality of our service. The Environmental Health Department monitors the quality of water provided by DOWASCO. Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service Water DOWASCO is not responsible for providing water for agricultural purposes. Small communities not serviced by DOWASCO receive their water from small systems built by non-government organizations such as Save The Children Fund and Small Projects Assistance Team. Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service Source of water All of the water utilized by our nationals are harvested from our rivers. Presently there has been very little if at all any exploration of the possibility of tapping into any ground water resources. Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service Water Treatment The addition of Chlorine to water is the most common form of disinfection practiced by DOWASCO today. The process is a safe, practical and effective way to destroy disease-causing organism in water. Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service Water Systems Dominica Meteorological Service
Dominica Meteorological Service