FCC-- ee coordination meeting 25 February 2016 Upcoming conferences A. Blondel & M. Klute 25 February 2016 FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting
FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting LHCP https://indico.cern.ch/event/442390/ - 13-18 June 2016 Lund University Markus is on the organization committee for the upgrade session and we will have talks for facilities and the physics KITP https://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/activities/experlhc16 - Mar 28, 2016 - Jun 3, 2016 UC Santa Barbara has a big 10 week workshop. Markus is convener of the Higgs session (2 weeks) in April and we have a talk Higgs at future lepton collider. I am not sure about the other sessions but from what I understand the SM, SUSY and EXO sessions also have discussion on FCC physics. There a special session on future machines and experiments in May SUSY https://indico.cern.ch/event/443176/ - 4 - 8 July Melbourne we should send abstracts. Markus organize the Higgs session ICHEP http://www.ichep2016.org/ - Chicago 3-10 August 2016 Patrizia has submitted abstracts (see next slide and attached file for details) 25 February 2016 FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting
FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting ICHEP abstracts submitted (we will hear about them mid-March) Beam Optics for FCC-ee Collider Ring Id: 1097 (Oide) Mass measurements at a high-luminosity Z, W, Higgs and top factory Id: 1152 (Blondel et al) High energy weak and electromagnetic coupling measurements at a high luminosity Z factory Id: 1154 (Janot et al) Neutrino physics discovery potential at the FCC Id: 1161(Blondel et al) Physics at FCC-ee and run plan Id: 1166 (Blondel et al) Higgs measurements at the Future Circular Colliders ID : 1156 (Klute, Peters) Top-quark physics at the Future Circular Colliders ID1158 (Azzi et al) Discovery potential of a high-luminosity Z, W, Higgs and top factory (ID 1163) (Grojean et al) QCD studies at FCC-ee ID 1154 (D’Enterria, Skands) Flavour studies at FCC-ee ID 1155 (Monteil) 25 February 2016 FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting
FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting Higgs Hunting http://higgshunting.fr/ - not sure how this workshop is organized. There is a schedule but FCC is not considered (Alain has sent a reminder to Louis Fayard, but apparently they dont want any future colliders this year, but next year) Charged Higgs in Uppsala (Uppsala, Sweden, 16-18 September 2014) – https://indico.cern.ch/event/295196/ Markus discussed FCC-ee talk with Karl Jakobs Higgs Couplings at SLAC (November 9-12, 2016) http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/hc16/ - this one is important Nufact16 (Quy Nohn, 21-28 August 2016) http://vietnam.in2p3.fr/2016/nufact/ WG5 on neutrinos beyond PMNS that addresses right handed neutrino searches, should submit abstract. (Alain on organizing committee) Rencontres du Vietnam (Quy Nohn, 25Sept-2Oct 2016) http://rencontresduvietnam.org/conferences/2016/precision-theory/ 25 February 2016 FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting
FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting 0. the presentations at conferences are our best way to communicate! (and publish) 1. Please nominate /volunteer speakers for your WG. 2. Be prepared to give talks (i.e. ask for funding) around the planet 3. Please communicate any conference where -- you would like to attend and go -- you think someone should speak 4. More automatic system is being prepared by Markus he will discuss this next time. 25 February 2016 FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting