WIOA + MAERS = Performance MAERS UPDATES WIOA + MAERS = Performance
Agenda MAERS Data Entry Changes Registration and Class Setup Screen Changes New Eligibility Module New Achievements Module Measurable Skill Gains Section 107 Performance Measures GED Data Matching Outcome Performance Measures (coming soon….) New NRS Tables MAERS New Timelines
MAERS Demo Registration Screen Changes Class Set Up Screen Changes New Eligibility Module
Achievements What is a Measurable Skill Gain (MSG)? MSGs show participant progress during a program year by achieving: At least one Educational Functioning Level (EFL Gain) AND / OR A secondary School diploma or its recognized equivalent
Measureable Skill Gains Reported by program year – not just at Exit! More than one can be achieved during a Program Year Only one is included in performance reports
Measurable Skill Gains Types of Measurable Skill Gains: Attain a High School Diploma by June 30th of the PY being reported Attain a High School Equivalency by June 30th of the PY being reported Enroll into Postsecondary after Exit but by June 30th of the PY being reported Post-Test gain by June 30th of the PY being reported Exceed over 50% completion of HSD credits by June 30th of the PY being reported: Must pre-test at EFL level 5 Must be in the HSD Instructional Area Must have been enrolled in one or more HSD classes * These measures are reported for both USDOE and Section 107
Section 107 Performance Measures English language proficiency Passing one or more HSE official tests Earning HSD credits Postsecondary enrollment * These Measures are only reported for Section 107
MAERS Demo New Achievements module
Outcomes Performance Measures
WIOA Common Performance Measures Percentage of program participants in unsubsidized employment during the 2nd quarter after exit Percentage of program participants in unsubsidized employment during the 4th quarter after exit Median earnings during the 2nd quarter after exit from the program Percentage of participants who obtain a postsecondary credential or diploma during participation or within one year of exit Percentage of participants achieving measurable skill gains Effectiveness in serving employers
Outcome Performance Measures Employment Performance Indicators Employment Second quarter after exit The percentage of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit Employment Fourth quarter after exit The percentage of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit
Outcome Performance Measures Employment Performance Indicators cont… Median Earnings Second quarter after exit Median earnings of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program
Outcome Performance Measures Credential Attainment Indicator Two components of Credential Attainment Indicator: Secondary credential attainment Postsecondary credential attainment Percentage of participants who obtain a secondary school diploma or recognized equivalent or a recognized postsecondary credential, while enrolled or within one year of exit
Outcome Performance Measures Credential Attainment Indicator cont… But: A participant who has attained a secondary school diploma for the Credential Attainment Indicator is counted only if the participant is employed or enrolled in a postsecondary education or training program within one year of exit
Outcome Performance Measures Credential Attainment Indicator: Secondary Credential The secondary credential component of the Credential Attainment Indicator is limited to participants who did not previously possess a high school equivalency and entered at or above the 9th grade level; OR who advance to the 9th grade or higher level during a period of participation; and exited from the secondary education program.
Outcome Performance Measures Credential Attainment Indicator: Postsecondary Credential The postsecondary education component of the Credential Attainment Indicator is limited to participants who were enrolled in a postsecondary education or training program, including an integrated education and training (IET) program; and exited from the postsecondary education or training program.
Outcome Performance Measures Participant Exclusions The following reasons for EXIT allow the exclusion of a participant from ALL performance indicators: Exit is due to the participant becoming incarcerated or entered into a 24-hour support facility such as a hospital or treatment center Exit is due to medical treatment that lasts more than 90 days Participant is deceased Exit is due to being called into active duty in the National Guard or other armed services for at least 90 days
Corrections Exclusion Participants in a correctional institution under Section 225 of WIOA who remain incarcerated after exit are included in the MSG indicator, but excluded from: 2nd Quarter Employment Indicator Median Earnings Indicator 4th Quarter Employment Indicator Credential Indicator
New NRS Report Templates
Reporting Timeline Changes Beginning PY 2016-17, the state agency must submit NRS reports to USDOE by October 15th (previously December 31st) MAERS deadline will now be September 30th to accommodate this new federal reporting deadline
MAERS Development Team Contact State Department Phone Number Email Address Dean Smith Data & Performance Reporting 517-335-0386 smithd20@michigan.gov Sue Johnson 517-241-6616 johnsons28@michigan.gov Helpdesk MAERS@michworks.org Erica Luce Adult Services 517-335-0634 lucee1@michigan.gov Sue Muzillo 517-241-1016 muzillos@michigan.gov Brian Frazier 517-373-0183 frazierb3@michigan.gov Sandy Thelen 517-373-3395 thelens@michigan.gov