Christian Values, Respect, Teamwork, Enjoyment, Discipline & Success. Year 7 2017-2018 Christian Values, Respect, Teamwork, Enjoyment, Discipline & Success.
Ethos Mr Turner De La Salle is a Christian school within the Lasallian family of schools. Our Ethos is very important to us and we believe it makes us unique. We believe that God created each of us with unique & special talents. Some of us will excel academically, others through sport or through social interaction.
Ethos Our knowledge of the boys as individuals is very important to us. The boys are expected to learn how to work together as a team. They will understand their own strengths but they also need to value the strengths of those around them.
Ethos- Pastoral Mr Sharrock Boys learn from those around them. Our House system is designed to facilitate this. Boys from DLS Primary will be placed in the same house as those from external primary schools. They will act as peer mentors to aid transition to De La Salle. The boys will learn from older boys who will practically demonstrate our ways.
Ethos- Academic Mr White During the course of the year you will have two interim reports and one full report. There will be a parents evening on the XXXX for you to meet your son’s teachers. In the Spring term you will have one to one parent consultation meetings with your son’s teachers. Finally in the Summer term you will have a one to one meeting with your son’s House tutor to discuss how the year has gone and to set targets for Year 8.
Ethos- Spiritual Mr Cook De La Salle is a disciplined environment and the boys are expected to behave appropriately. We accept that boys will make mistakes and our behaviour system is designed to reward positive behaviour (merits) and correct negative behaviour (demerits). Reconciliation is key to our discipline system; boys make mistakes, we encourage them to be open about them, accept the consequences and seek to put right their error.
Ethos- Spiritual Our House system is designed to support our community. Houses are Peary Stanley Rhodes Scott
Giving your son a sense of belonging within a community. The House System At De La Salle College Mr Barrett Giving your son a sense of belonging within a community.
What are our aims? For every student to feel a valued member of their House. We want the House system to encourage camaraderie and healthy competition amongst the boys. We aim to provide all boys with a range of opportunities to develop these key life skills such as building inter-personal relationships, responsibility and independence of thought .
Our House System
Pastoral Care Structure Mr Cook - Assistant Headmaster in Charge of Pastoral Mr Barrett –House co-ordinator Mr McCormack – Head of Rhodes Miss Devine –Head of Peary Mr Livesey – Head of Scott Mrs Washington – Head of Stanley
House System Structure House Tutors Your first point of call Peary – Miss Miller (& Mr Grace) Rhodes – Mr Perree Scott – Mr Sleath Stanley - Mr Campbell
Sample Week DAY ACTIVITY MONDAY Prayer - House assembly – religious / moral theme TUESDAY Prayer - House group discussions – on assembly or PSHE topic WEDNESDAY Prayer - Diary and equipment check THURSDAY Prayer - Locker checks / classroom display work FRIDAY Prayer - Silent reading & merit entries (option for weekly fun activity e.g. quiz / topical discussions etc…)
House Competitions Structure Arts Cup Sports Cup Science Cup Brother Anthony Shield - Pastoral Art Football Science (1) Merits English Rugby IT Punctuality Music Cross Country Maths Attendance History Cricket Design Technology Island Walk Religious Studies Sports day Science (2) House Charity Fundraising French Golf Geography House Cup Overall Winners and House Champions
Rhodes £897.63 -BHF Scott £3744.00- Silkworth Stanley £2820.00 - RNLI Peary £3063.08 – MIND Jersey TOTAL £10,524.71
SCOTT Current House Champions
Mr Sharrock will explain about the next part of our induction evening.