Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen


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Presentation transcript:

Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen 72 Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation (STCE WP RMI B) Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 Overview Aerosol and UV Relations between ozone, aerosol, global solar radiation and UV Available aerosol information UV forecasts Future plans Ozone analysis Total ozone Ozone profiles Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 Trends in daily UV dose, global radiation, ozone and aerosol optical depth (1990-2007) Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Total ozone available from operational models (DWD, ECMWF, …) Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 UVI forecast for clear sky needs ozone and aerosol optical properties (AOD and SSA) in the UV region Total ozone available from operational models (DWD, ECMWF, …) Aerosol information available: Measurements of AOD (@340nm) from CIMEL instrument (BIRA) Measurement of AOD (@320nm) from Brewer spectrophotometer Composition analysis from sampling campaign (Collaboration UGent) Modeling: AOD and SSA from composition (OPAC) Composition: from air quality models (CHIMERE, …) Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 Differences between measured and modeled UVI as function of AOD for different assumptions of aerosol composition Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

UV forecast, recently extended in time: Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 UV forecast, recently extended in time: Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 Future plans: Comparison of AOD@340nm (BIRA CIMEL) with AOD@320 and @340 nm (KMI Brewers) Use of measured or modeled AOD information for UVI forecast Test forecasts for other regions in Belgium (compare with broadband measurements of BIRA) Installation of CIMEL sunphotometer in Dourbes Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Ozone observations: Used for: Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 Ozone observations: Daily total ozone observation with spectrophotometers 3 times per week ozone profiles with balloon soundings Stored in international data-bases (WOUDC, NILU) Used for: validation of satellite profiles (a.o. within O3MSAF) analysis of particular atmospheric events long term changes Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 Total Ozone measured since mid 1971 measured with either a Dobson or Brewer spectrophotometer (016 and 178) ← Fuego ← El Chichon ← Pinatubo overall: (strongest in spring!) double trend: 1971 – 1991 minimum in 1992-1993 (Pinatubo) from mid 90s on (Montréal Protocol) Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Vertical ozone profiles Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 Vertical ozone profiles measured since Jan 1969 measured 3 times a week, with radiosondes top 3 world longest ozone sounding series! low ozone in troposphere ☹ lohigh ozone in stratosphere ☺ ozone peak in Febr - Apr tropopause: barrier for strato-tropo loexchange in Jan - July? tropopause trends UT humidity trends Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Vertical ozone profiles Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 Vertical ozone profiles globally: ozone in troposphere llllllllllllllllllllllozone in stratosphere tropopause = border between loand in Feb – June in lower stratosphere in loJuly - Dec Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Vertical ozone profiles Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 Vertical ozone profiles largest stratospheric ozone lodecline in 1989 - 1998 especially lower-stratospheric loozone recovery in 1999 - 2008 Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009

Study of ozone and aerosol and their influence on climate and UV radiation 72 Future plans multiple regression approach (annual cycle, solar cycle, QBO, volcanic effects, EESC) correlation between cosmic rays and ozone depletion? (highest CR intensity  strongest ozone hole?) participation in quality check/quality assurance activities for ozone observations of WMO Hugo De Backer, Roeland Van Malderen KMI, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels STCE, Annual meeting, Brussels, 8 June 2009