The U.S. Flag and Bald Eagle Symbols of America The U.S. Flag and Bald Eagle
The Flag Many changes since the first official flag of 1777. June 14, 1777 - the first Flag Act passed = 13 alternating red & white stripes and 13 white stars on a blue field. Stars have been added to the flag as new states join the union.
Significance of the colors Red, White & Blue Colors were significant for the Great Seal of 1782. Red: Valor and Bravery White: Purity and Innocence Blue: Vigilance, Perseverance, and Justice
Significance of the stars and stripes Why stars and stripes? Stars are considered a symbol of the heavens and the divine goal of man. The stripe is symbolic of the rays of light from the sun.
Why was the bald eagle chosen? The bald eagle was chosen because it symbolized strength, courage, freedom, and immortality.