Travel into space
There are some parts in our spaceship
1 2 3 4 1. Yuri Gagarin 2. Valentina Tereshkova 3. Neil Armstrong 4. John Glenn
There are some dates and events 1957 1959 1961 The first animal in space was Laika The Americans sent two monkeys into space The first man in space was Yuri Gagarin 1962 1963 1969 The second man in space was John Glenn The first woman in space was Valentina Tereshkova The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong
Match the dates with the events Dates Events 1957 The first man in space was Yuri Gagarin The second man in space was John Glenn 1959 1961 The first animal in space was Laika The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong 1962 1963 The Americans sent two monkeys into space 1969 The first woman in space was Valentina Tereshkova
I can see ……….. It is…….. They are…….. long, small, big, yellow and round, beautiful, white and blue
What planet is this?
What did you do when you were on the planet Earth? on Tuesday on Saturday to the cinema in the country to the shops went was cleaned my room played on Sunday in the park swam I You We She He They listened to music watched TV washed the dishes last week played a computer game to school at home on Monday in the swimming pool yesterday on Friday
Solve the crossword. A S T 1 R O 2 N A 3 U T 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Who was the first man in space? 2. We can see them at night 3. A place we cook food 4. A place behind the house where flowers can grow 5. We sleep in the … . 6. We can use it to fly to other country. 7. Who was the first animal in space? 8. This is the season When fruit is sweet This is the season When school – friends meet What season is it ? 9. How many rooms are there in Cliff Castle? 1 A 2 S 3 T 4 R 5 O 6 N 7 A 8 U T 9
Are these statements true or false ? Memory game Are these statements true or false ? Laika was a Russian cat Glue hold the trays down on a table There are over a fifty different foods in the ‘kitchen’ Astronauts sleep in beds Russians were the first on the moon