Spatial Inequality Of Mexico and Detroit By: Mimi Konopada, Sam Oleshansky, Brian Faes, and Dominick Campbell
Poor House In the Suburbs of Detroit
Rich House In One of the Nicer Neighborhoods of Detroit
Poor Mexican Villa in a Bad Neighborhood
Rich Mexican Villa In a Nicer Neighborhood
Conclusion Spatial Inequality Is very common in the world no matter where you are. For example Detroit and Mexico City both have Spatial Inequality in their Cities as proven from these pictures. The cities may be in different parts of the world but all face the same problem.
Citations Artotem. Berenice's Home. 8 July 2010a. Digital file. Auberon. 20196 Klinger Detroit MI. 25 Mar. 2003. Digital file. B G. Polanco District, Mexico City. 19 Feb. 2009. Digital file. Juan N Only. Brush Park Homes [2973]. 22 May 2011. Digital file.