Space Exploration Timeline
Robert Goddard Father of American Rocketry First liquid propelled rocket - 1926
Dr. Werner von Braun Leader of Nazi rocketry research Inventor of the V-2 Rocket Was moved to the US and helped develop the Explorer, Saturn V and rockets for Apollo
I have learned to use the word "impossible“ with the greatest caution Slated for execution to prevent capture by the Allies A “prize” for which the Russians and Americans competed Surrendered to Americans Became the “father” of the U.S. space program
Event #1 Required for your project! Oct. 4, 1957. The Soviet Union launches a satellite into space named Sputnik 1. It was a very simple device that took measurements of the upper layer of the atmos- sphere and sent information by radio signals down to the planet. It orbits every hour- and-a-half before it re-entered the atmosphere and burned up 3 months after launch.
Sputnik- 1st Artificial Satellite
Space Exploration History The space age began on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth. The Soviets also achieved the first piloted space flight on April 12, 1961. The first cosmonaut was Yuri Gagarin. He orbited Earth in a ship named Vostok. I got this…
Event #2 Required for your project! November 3, 1957: Sputnik 2 is launched, and everyone is stunned to see that this spacecraft has a “pilot” on board—a dog named Laika (pronounced lye-ee-kuh). The sad part was that Laika was never going to be recovered—there was no plan for the dog to ever land safely on Earth. It was thought to be able to live 10 days in space, but may not have lasted an hour when some of the life-support systems malfunctioned.
Event #3 The Americans finally get in the act, on February 1, 1958. Explorer 1 is the USA’s first launched satellite to orbit Earth. It transmitted valuable new information about the protective magnetic field around Earth. It orbited for 12 years before crashing into the Ocean.
Event #4 America strikes again with Vanguard 1, launched on March 17, 1958. Here’s some impressive news: next to the Moon, Vanguard 1 is the oldest object to orbit Earth. Yep, it’s still out there! This is the first space technology to use solar panels (instead of batteries that would run out after a few months) to power its instruments, providing a near-neverending supply of data to scientists. Right: It took large, powerful rockets to send any of these objects into orbit.
Event #5 On October 1, 1958, a famous American agency was formed—NASA. NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA had several goals—continue to gather data about the Earth’s atmosphere and outer space, test new technologies for launching rockets, and of course—beat the Russians! President Eisenhower gets a lesson on space.
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Accomplishments: First to land someone on the moon Invented the space shuttle Developed many products for space that we now use as everyday products Example: Velcro
Event #6 Required for your project! Wow, Russia has really been winning the “space race” so far. This is a big blow to the American scientists—Russia sends the first man into outer space…a guy named Yuri Gregarin. On April 12, 1961, Vostok 1 blasts off and Yuri returns nearly 2 hours later after completing one orbit and parachuting from a few miles off the ground. Dang!
Yuri Gagarin In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.
Event #7 Required for your project! America strikes back, sending its first astronaut, Alan Shepard, into space. The mission is called Mercury Freedom 7. It lasted only 16 minutes and didn’t actually go in complete orbit around Earth. Shepard was still hailed as a hero, and he later became the 5th person to walk on the moon. It stung American scientists, though, that they lost the race to send a person into space by less than one month. Boo. Shepard on the navy ship that rescued him after his ocean splashdown.
Event #8 Vostok 6 blasted off in Russia on June 16, 1963. On board was the first woman in space, so the Russians beat us again. Her name was Valentia Tereshkova, and she recorded data about the atmosphere for 3 days before returning safely to Earth.
Event #9 Here go the Russians again. Not happy with just going into space, on the mission Voskhod 2, they actually let one of their cosmonauts leave the space ship! Alexei Leonov left the spaceship (attached to it by a tether cord) and stayed out in space for around 12 minutes. Cool. Except that his space suit inflated (due to outer space being a vacuum) and he almost wasn’t able to make it back inside the ship. Brave Alexei.
Event #10 Required for your project! President Kennedy issued the challenge in 1962 that America NEEDED to go to the moon because it would be so hard to do so. And less than a decade later, we did. Nobody else has managed this feat. America just jumped way ahead of Russia in the space race. On July 20, 1969, the Apollo 11 mission lands on the moon, and Neil Armstrong utters the famous words, “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” USA! USA! USA! This is awesome.
Let’s Go to the Moon Apollo 8 orbited the moon 10 times and returned to Earth safely on December 21, 1968 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed Apollo 11 on the moon on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. The laptops in our classroom are more powerful than the computers used to run the Apollo program!
Mercury and Gemini – preludes to Apollo Project
Project Mercury Project Mercury- orbit a crewed spacecraft around Earth and bring it back safely
Project Mercury – “The Right Stuff” Mercury Redstone Rocket Single astronaut First U.S. manned ballistic flight – Alan Shephard 5/5/61
Alan Shepard 1961- Alan Shepard became 1st US citizen in space Was not on Apollo 13 because of an ear infection Apollo 14-oldest man on moon (47) Hit golf balls on moon
Astronaut and Senator John Glenn Mercury Freedom 7 First American to orbit Earth 2/20/62 Oldest person to travel in space (Space Shuttle)
John Glenn 1962- John Glenn became the 1st US citizen to orbit the Earth
Project Gemini Titan Rocket Two astronauts First “Space Walk” (EVA) Rendezvous with Agena modules and with other Gemini capsules
Project Gemini Project Gemini- two teams of astronauts met and connected
Gemini capsule
Ed White Gemini 4 EVA
Project Gemini
Project Apollo Project Apollo- July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 landed on the moon Saturn V that launched Apollo 11
Apollo 8 Liftoff from KSC 12/21/68
Project Apollo Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the man.
Neil Armstrong “That’s one step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin July 16, 1969
Apollo 11 LM – “Eagle”
“Houston, the Eagle has landed.”
Lunar Rock from Apollo 11 Mission
Apollo 11- Edwin Aldrin Edwin Aldrin was the 2nd man to walk on the moon. He and Armstrong explored for 2 hours.
Apollo 11- Michael Collins Michael Collins remained in the Command Module. A total of 6 lunar landings brought back 2000 samples of moon rock. The program ended in 1972.
Event #11 If you’ve seen the movie Apollo 13 starring Tom Hanks and Kevin Bacon, you know that it’s a story of American brainpower and creativity overcoming horrible odds. After an oxygen tank explodes on the way to the Moon, the crew of Apollo 13 and NASA scientists in Houston are forced to abandon the plan to land on the Moon and instead just get the men home without killing them. Through days of hard work, they succeed. NASA scientists working frantically. The crew safe, at last.
Event #12 The next Apollo mission, Apollo 14, lands on January 31, 1971 in the exact spot that Apollo 13 was supposed to explore. Alan Shepard leads this expedition, where millions of viewers watched on television as the astronauts played golf and threw javelins on the moon. Faith in NASA is restored.
Apollo 17 Lunar Rover – 12/72
Event #13 NASA scientists had envisioned a permanent space station, and in 1973, Skylab began a 12-year experiment to see how practical the idea was. Skylab used large solar panels to provide electricity for itself, and allowed other spacecraft to float near it and “dock.” This allowed crew members to enter Skylab and leave when they needed to. Three such dockings occurred. The Skylab experiment ended, but provided valuable information about the realism of life in space. A docking pod, where crew from another space flight could enter Skylab.
Event #14 July 1975 – The final Apollo mission was a good one. After nearly 20 years of outdoing each other, America and Russia agree to do a mission together. The Space Race is pretty much done at this point—we can be friends now. Apollo 18 and the Soviet ship Soyuz 19 fly into space and dock with each other—allowing the American and Russian crew members to meet in space. Cool.
Event #15 Finally, a space craft you recognize easily. On August 12, 1978, the Enterprise is the first space shuttle to be tested. Carried on the back of a much larger plane, the Enterprise “let go” and glided to a safe landing. Now NASA was confident that the shuttles could do missions on their own and perform a rolling landing.
Space Shuttle At launch, the space shuttle orbiter stands on end and is connected to an external liquid-fuel tank and two solid-fuel booster engines.
Space Shuttle When the shuttle reaches an altitude of about 45 km, the emptied solid-fuel booster rockets drop off and parachute back to earth. They are recovered and reused again.
Space Shuttle The larger liquid fuel tank eventually separates and falls back to Earth. It is not recovered.
Space Shuttles A space shuttle is a reusable space craft. First used in 1981. Able to land on an ordinary airfield. Two shuttle tragedies in 1987 and 2003. Shuttles replaced the previous method of space flight – Rockets and capsules.
Event #16 It was just a matter of time (a few years later) when NASA would actually send one of the new space shuttles into space for a real mission. In 1981, the Columbia blasted off with the help of booster rockets, then landed on an Air Force base in California after 2 days in space.
Event #17 Yet another space shuttle, the Challenger, blasts off on April 4, 1983. Part of the 5-day mission involved a four hour spacewalk where 2 of the crew members performed repairs of the shuttle. Nice work, gentlemen. 80s haircuts. Cool.
Event #18 About a billion years after the Soviet Union sent Valentia Tereshkova as the first woman in space, America finally sends its own female astronaut. Her name is Sally Ride, and she performs numerous missions afterward and becomes a hero to many!
Event #19 August 30, 1984…the space shuttle Discovery successfully carries 3 communications satellites into space, a first for a shuttle mission. NASA keeps trying new techniques to address old problems with great success. Americans are cocky at this point, as it seems like NASA can achieve any goal it wants. Whoa. 80s hair is out of control in zero gravity.
Event #20 There were 4 space shuttles in service—Discovery, Challenger, Columbia, Enterprise, and Atlantis. On October 3, 1985, Atlantis joins the squad as the fifth (and final) shuttle to be launched into space. Atlantis carries some secret defense satellites into space (maybe to spy on our old friends, the Soviet Union?)
Event #21 On January 28, 1986, the shuttle Challenger lifted off, as planned. Kids all over America were gathered around televisions to watch the event live as it happened, and teachers were ready to do a space lesson right afterward. It all changed as 73 seconds later, the shuttle blew up in mid-air, killing the crew and shocking the world. Stunned silence just a minute later Clapping and cheering here…
Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster January 28, 1986 7 crew members died- one of which was teacher Christina McAuliffe Mc Auliffe was first member of the Teachers in Space Program
Event #22 In 1992, a new space shuttle, Endeavour, was launched into space. It was built as a better replacement to Challenger, which exploded 6 years prior. After its July 5 launch, three crewmen space walked to grab a satellite that wasn’t responding to commands properly. After the longest space walk ever, the satellite was repaired and sent back into orbit. Endeavour is scheduled to be retired in 2010 after performing one last space mission.
Event #23 Oh no, not again. On February 1, 2003, people in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area felt a thud slam through their neighborhoods. The shuttle Columbia, returning from a long, successful space flight, was cruising through the atmosphere preparing to land in Florida. Days before, during the launch of the shuttle, a piece of foam damaged the heat shield on one wing of the shuttle. It didn’t become a problem until the shuttle entered our atmosphere going around twenty times the speed of sound. The heat from friction with the air burst through the weak wing, and debris from the shuttle flying apart was found in several states! All 7 crew members died.
Event #24 NASA had two MAJOR incidents that shook America’s confidence in the space program. The explosions of Challenger and Columbia slowed down how often we went into space. Fortunately, one of the big achievements that happened after the Columbia disaster was the successful launching of the Hubble Space Telescope by the shuttle Discovery in This telescope has given us incredible images of events and objects far distant in the universe. Good job, Discovery. One of the thousands of awesome images taken by the H.S.T.
Hubble Space Telescope Hubble Space Telescope is an optical telescope that is in space. It was put into space in 1990 by the space shuttle Discovery.
Hubble Space Telescope When Hubble was first put into space it did not work properly because of an error in the shaping of the mirror; it was repaired by astronauts from the Endeavor in 1993.
Space Stations A space station has living quarters, work and exercise space, and all the equipment and support systems needed to live and work in space.
Skylab Skylab was a space station put up in 1973. In 1979 it was abandoned and fell back into earth’s atmosphere and burned up
Skylab Launch
Skylab Launch
Mir Mir was a Soviet space station.
Event #25 Required for your project! Another crowning achievement for modern scientists is a project worked on mainly by five nations—a space station appropriately named the International Space Station. Construction began in 1998 and is scheduled to be finished sometime in 2011. Shuttles fly crew and equipment to the space station frequently, where scientists stay for weeks at a time doing experiments in outer space. The I.S.S. is big enough to see without a telescope if you catch it at the right time of year at night. Pretty neat that it’s up there. Cool.
International Space Station International Space Station serves as a research lab for several countries. Permanent crew Scientists on Earth have almost instant access to experiments and can modify when needed