Special Arthropod Edition Hosted by Miss Dell Jeopardy Special Arthropod Edition Hosted by Miss Dell
They Mite Be Arachnids The Good, the Bad, and IPM Arthropods You’ve Got Class 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
The class that contains carnivorous arthropods What is CLASS CHILOPODA (CENTIPEDES)? The class that contains carnivorous arthropods with venom claws and one pair of antennae. Row 1, Col 1
The type of eyes that jumping What are SIMPLE EYES? The type of eyes that jumping spiders possess. 1,2
Name that means “jointed feet.” What is ARTHROPOD? Name that means “jointed feet.” 1,3
Insects that are beneficial What are POLLINATORS? Insects that are beneficial to plants by aiding in plant reproduction. 1,4
are members of this class. What is CLASS INSECTA? Fleas, lice, earwigs, and damselflies are members of this class. 2,1
For spiders, the number of legs times the number of What is 24? For spiders, the number of legs times the number of body segments plus the usual number of eyes. 2,2
resembles the adult animal. What is a NYMPH? An immature stage in the life cycle of some arthropods that resembles the adult animal. 2,3
Termites are an example of this type of beneficial insect What is a DECOMPOSER? Termites are an example of this type of beneficial insect when found in nature. 2,4
Members of this class have What is CLASS CRUSTACEA? Members of this class have chelipeds. 3,1
Individuals with allergies to dust may actually be allergic What are DUST MITES? Individuals with allergies to dust may actually be allergic to the shed exoskeletons of these microscopic arachnids. 3,2
Flipperlike appendages that are used for swimming - found What are SWIMMERETS? Flipperlike appendages that are used for swimming - found along the abdomen of certain crustaceans. 3,3
Natural predators or parasites that are released into an area What are BIOLOGICAL CONTROLS? Natural predators or parasites that are released into an area to fight a harmful insect. 3,4
The number of legs on Each section of a centipede. What is TWO? The number of legs on Each section of a centipede. 4,1
A parasitic arachnid that can transmit Lyme disease. What is a DEER TICK? A parasitic arachnid that can transmit Lyme disease. 4,2
Type of circulatory system in which the blood is What is a CLOSED CIRCULATOY SYSTEM? Type of circulatory system in which the blood is always found within a vessel – not found in arthropods. 4,3
A process aimed at managing harmful insects with the least What is INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT? A process aimed at managing harmful insects with the least effect to people, pets, and the environment. 4,4
The approximate number of What is approximately 280? The approximate number of legs of a millipede with 70 body segments. 5,1
Spiderman obtained his What is a JUMPING SPIDER? The type of spider that Spiderman obtained his powers from. 5,2
The middle section of an insect where the wings attach. What is a THORAX? The middle section of an insect where the wings attach. 5,3
things used to remove pests because they can also kill What are PESTICIDES? Should not be the first things used to remove pests because they can also kill beneficial pollinators and spiders, as well as being toxic to humans in large doses. 5,4