As a stereotype in Australia Emos As a stereotype in Australia
How they dress Emos normally dress in all black tight clothing with black hair with a fringe. Their hair is also black.
What is the stereotype? The common stereotypes for all emo's is that they cause self harm and are emotionally unstable. They are also portrayed as wearing skinny leg jeans, tight tops with emo band names on them and various kinds of Celtic jewelry. They also are seen as having black hair with a long fringe, as well as having other bright colours in their hair with various different lengths all the way through.
How are they portrayed in the media? Emos are portrayed in the media to be teenagers who are always depressed and are suicidal. They are seen as the outcasts in society and that they all have suicidal thoughts and actions. They are portrayed on many news articles as being “loose moralled” and spending time on website that feature graphic content glorifying death.
Origins Emo emerged from the hardcore punk scene of early- 1980s in Washington , both as a reaction to the increased violence within the scene and as an extension of the personal politics espoused by Ian Mackaye of Minor Threat, who had turned the focus of the music from the community back towards individuals.