CS 3423 Systems Programming Larry Clark My webpage: www.cs.utsa.edu/~clark
Computer Science Main Lab Location: NPB 2.118 It has about 40 Linux workstations running 14.04 On the left side, it also has about 40 VDI workstations. For more information, see www.cs.utsa.edu/~clark/mainlab.htm Your degree will probably be more enjoyable if you spend time in the Computer Science Main Lab.
VDI Servers You can access our Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) servers from most browsers. Link: https://vdi.cs.utsa.edu Your VDI login: abc123 id Your initial password: (see instructor for this) (lowercase, no spaces) If you added the class since Friday, you probably don’t have a login id. If you don’t have a working login id, send me an email with your abc123 id.
Fox Servers These are necessary for many of your programs in this class. At least one of the servers should be up at all times. These run Ubuntu Linux 14.04 Server addresses are (see instructor for this) where XX is 00 through 06 Your login id is your abc123 ID. Your password is defaulted to your banner ID without the @ You can get to these externally using: ssh –X abc123@??????.cs.utsa.edu
Login to VDI How to Login to VDI in a Classroom
Save a link to my web site Save that link on your V: drive: From the VDI desktop, right click and select New Shortcut Enter my website Move that icon to your V: drive. You might want to go to the lecture notes for cs3423 and open this ppt.
ClassQue ClassQue is a program to record attendance each day in class. Note that it won’t do it if you login remotely (i.e., you aren’t in the class room). You must download and execute the ClassQue installation. Go to http://classque.cs.utsa.edu/classque2/utsa/student.html Run the bat file for CS3423 section 003 (8:30am) It will create a startup folder and startup.bat file on your V: drive. This will cause a ClassQue icon to be included on the VDI desktop every time you login to VDI. When you arrive in CS3423, please record your attendance by clicking on the ClassQue icon. If it asks you for your seat number, enter the one that is on the monitor (possibly the back).
What have you heard about this course? This is probably the most famous CS course, what have you heard about it?
Unix helps you build capabilities by using tools CS3423 teaches valuable Unix tinker toys!
Email from a former CS3423 and CS3723 Student Professor: I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for your time these past few years in helping us with career development. This summer would not have been nearly as successful without the extra help I got from the career survival. The little things like sending “thank you” emails wouldn’t have crossed my mind before the career events. Also, it was a shock to me how well UTSA prepared us compared to some of the more “prestigious” schools. One school (won’t say the name but they’re in Waco and private), teaches CSS and HTML as part of their core, with a little bit of Java. That barley holds a candle to what we’ve learned. If it wasn’t for what I learned in Systems and PL, I probably wouldn’t have been able to save the company $15,000 this summer. Because I’ve become pretty good at regex, I was able to write a quick python script to generate Java and Location files. Literally cut my work by 90%. For 30 minutes of work, now I’m able to generate 1,000 lines of code for every 100 lines of input. My boss thought that was a pretty good trade, and ended up extending my internship. Once again, you’ve been an amazing resource for guidance, and I can’t thank you enough for your help! We really do appreciate you for all of the events you put on for us, and they’ve really helped round us out as people. So thank you. Sincerely, xxx
How much work? After Pgm #0 is due, there will be an assignment due every week until after Pgm#5. Assignments 0 thru 5 should average between 2-4 hours each. The remaining assignments will allow 2-3 weeks for each. We will have practice exercises in the recitations. Most recitations will also have a quiz. The midterm exam will have many questions similar to the practice exercises, quizzes, and programming assignments. People who don’t do their own work will find the exams difficult.
Survey in Blackboard How do I login to blackboard? From the utsa main web page, www.utsa.edu: 1. On the menu at the top of the page, select: myUTSA > Blackboard Learn 2. Enter your abc123 id. 3. Enter your pass phrase password. 4. Blackboard will show a list of courses. Select primary course 5. You will see some items listed on the left side that I provided. Select what you need. How do I get the survey? Click on the surveys link. Click on the survey and answer the questions.
Logging Out of VDI You must logoff when you are done with your Windows VDI Session Click the Start button iCon (bottom left) Click Shutdown>logoff
His CS Lab Hours: TuTh 11:00am-2pm Your TA Your Primary Grader Michael Geyer Michael.geyer@my.utsa.edu His CS Lab Hours: TuTh 11:00am-2pm Huu Paul Nguyen huudwc@gmail.com
Computer Science Career Career Dev Sessions Fall 2017 Online at www.cs.utsa.edu/~clark (scroll down to Career Development) Resume Writing Tips: resumeWriting.pptxessi Session 1: Resume Review Fri Sep 1st, 3-430pm, NPB 1.226 Resume Review by Career Center and Employers Free Pizza Session #2 & #3: Mock Interviews Session 2: Fri Sep 15th, 1-230pm in Mesquite Room – UC 2.01.24 Session 3: Fri Sep 15th, 230-4pm in Mesquite Room – UC 2.01.24 See next page for a map Register through handshake(utsa.joinhandshake.com) Please only sign up for one of the two sessions on Fri Sep 15th As groups of 4-6 students, you will answer sample interview questions and receive feedback Network with possible employers Career Fair STEM Career Fair Sep 19th, 8:30-11:30am Usually 50+ employers looking for CS students Wear business attire Bring your resume Check out the UTSA Career Fair App Session #4: Employers and You Fri Oct 6th, 3-430pm NPB 1.226 When should I begin interviewing? How do I pick an employer? What is right for me? What do employers look for? Advice from employers Session #5: Mock Interviews Fri Nov 10th, 3-430pm in Mesquite Room – UC 2.01.24
Computer Science Career Development Fall 2017 Session #2 & #4: Mock Interviews Fri Sep 15th, 1-230pm,230-4pm Fri Nov 10th, 3-430pm Mesquite Room UC 2.01.04 University Center North > You must register through Rowdy Jobs (HireRoadRunners.com) for priority > As groups of 4-6 students, you will answer sample interview questions and receive feedback > Network with possible employers
Plan Ahead When Graduating Begin Interviewing for Summer Internships Full-time Jobs Begin Practicing in Mock Interviews Fall 2017 n/a Now! Spring 2018 Fall 2018 Fall 2017 for Summer 2018 Spring 2019 Fall 2019 Fall 2018 for Summer 2019 NLT Fall 2017 Spring 2020 NLT Spring 2018 Fall 2020 Fall 2019 for Summer 2020 NLT Fall 2018 Spring 2021 NLT Spring 2019