Breaking Through the Barriers of Class and Race Studies in the Epistle of James Breaking Through the Barriers of Class and Race
Disclaimer Negro Colored Black African-American Latino Hispanic Illegals
Background Born in 1945 Graduated high school in 1963 Married in 1967 Graduated college in 1970 (while working)
SW side square
East side square
Other places
Kreme Delite
Kreme Delite
Kreme Delite
Selma, AL, Mar ‘65
Gov Wallace
Bogalusa, LA
Detroit, MI
MLK, J Robinson
Nazis Jews in 1930s Dehumanization Imprisonment Mass brutality
Other than race Gender Disability Age Economic status Religion Sexual orientation
Different today? Race? Racist Posters Promoting White Supremacy Plague College Campuses “A notice to all white Americans,” one flier read. “It is your civic duty to report any and all illegal aliens....They are criminals. America is a white nation.”
New problem? Relationship between Jews and Samaritans? Call a fellow-Jew, “a Samaritan” John 8:48 Jesus talking to a Samaritan A Samaritan woman A good neighbor A thankful Samaritan
Evil discrimination
Our Attitude Hatred of other races, etc Prejudice and favoritism 1 John 3:15 1 John 2:11 Prejudice and favoritism John 7:24 1 Timothy 5:21 Romans 2:11
Our Attitude Salvation is for all nations Love others as ourselves Mark 12:31 Philippians 2:3 1 John 4:19 Salvation is for all nations Romans 1:16 Romans 10:12-13 Mark 16:15
Our Attitude Forgive the past Speak evil of no one Ephesians 4:32 Colossians 3:13 1 Thessalonians 5:15 Speak evil of no one 1 Peter 2:17 Colossians 4:6 Titus 3:1-2
Our Attitude Closing James 2 Love your neighbor as yourself Show partiality, you commit sin Mercy triumphs over judgment Closing You are all one in Christ Jesus