better technical teaching: second face-to-face session Introductions and ice break Kevin Orr, University of Huddersfield
What we considered last time Pedagogy as decision-making Pedagogical Content Knowledge Connection to the workplace Recontextualisation Content Representation (CoRe)
What we will do today… Revisit Content Representation and Recontextualisation Labour market information and links to employers Problem-solving activities Concept questions
Some initial feedback, please… Tell us about the website. What else might we add, for example? Tell us about the Zoom session work. Might that be expanded for future groups?
Links to the Labour Market Where can labour market statistics be found? How might they inform colleges? What about localism and devolution?
Localism and Devolution
Sources of data The Further Education Data Hub Office for National Statistics (regional data) Specific publications by industry bodies e.g. Engineering UK LMI [Labour Market Information] for all (for software developers) Small employers dominate numerically: 80% of registered engineering enterprises have four or fewer employees. However, the majority (52%) of employees in 2015 worked for an enterprise which employed 100 or more people and most of those (42%) worked for an enterprise with 250 or more employees (9350 of which in the UK). (P3 Engineering UK 2017 synopsis)
How might colleges use the data? How might you use the data?
Links to employers Watch the videos of Nigel, Adam and Mark. For each one, note the most important points they make about connecting the college to the workplace.
“learning as becoming” Vocational Identity “learning as becoming” At what point do your students become…? At what point did/do you become teachers?
Pedagogy as decision-making Watch the clip of Ann. What decisions does she make during this short section? What does she pick up on from the students? Now watch the interview. What does she mean by ‘on the fly’? What expertise did she need for this class?
Pedagogy as problem solving What expertise did she need for this class?
Checking understanding How did the three teachers check understanding of Ohm’s law? Questioning techniques
Concept questions Separation of time and tense Siobhan plays football on Fridays. Draw a timeline for this activity.
Concept questions Present perfect tense time frame John wrote two books Jean has written two books. Only one of these writers is alive. Which one? What expertise did she need for this class?
In your area Identify and write down two topics you teach that includes a big idea or important concept. For each one, write down an activity or form questions that will allow you to evaluate individuals’ understanding of the specific idea. Share your topics and techniques.
For the next Zoom session Write a lesson plan or part of a lesson plan that relates to a specific topic and demonstrate how you have applied the concept of recontextualisation. How have you integrated occupational knowledge in a way that is accessible and relevant for the particular group of students.
The questions which need to be answered before a theory of vocational pedagogy can be developed are (Lucas et al 2013: 115) What is the goal and so the desired outcomes of vocational education today? Can different kinds of vocational education be usefully categorised in order to make it easier to decide how best to teach them? Which learning and teaching methods are best suited to delivering the desired outcomes in a specific vocational subject? How is the choice of teaching methods influenced by context – the characteristics of vocational learners, the skills of vocational teachers and the settings in which the learning takes place?
What next? Keep accessing the website Zoom session Evaluation of the project Stay in touch!