Torque Ripple Reduction in BLDC Torque Motor With Nonideal Back EMF Jiancheng Fang, Haitao Li, and Bangcheng Han IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 27, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2012 4630-4637 學生: Guan Ting Lin 指導老師: Ming Shyan Wang 2018/5/17
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Outline Abstract Design of Torque Control Method Normal Conduction Period Commutation Period Measuring Method of Back EMF Simulation Results Experiment Results Conclusion References 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Abstract In order to improve the speed precision and stabilization of the gimbal servo system of double gimbal magnetically suspended control moment gyroscope (DGMSCMG) ,a comprehensive analysis of the reason of electromagnetic torque ripples of brushless direct current motor with nonideal back electromotive force (EMF) drives in the conduction and commutation regions is presented. A novel automatic control method of torque is proposed. With this method, the current control rule is designed, and the duty cycle of pulse width modulation (PWM) is regulated in real time by measuring the wave function of back EMF. 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Abstract DGMSCMG 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Design of Torque Control Method 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Normal Conduction Period In the π/3 ∼ π/2 period, T1 is switched ON and T2 is chopping,the current flows into phase A and then out from phase C, Te1 = 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. π/3 ∼ π/2 period Assuming the duty cycle of switch T2 is D: 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. π/3 ∼ π/2 period 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. π/2 ∼ 2π/3 period In the π/2 ∼ 2π/3 period, switch T2 is ON and T1 is chopping 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. π/2 ∼ 2π/3 period By comparing (11) with (5) and comparing (12) with (6), the duty cycle of the system are same in π/3 ∼ π/2 period and π/2 ∼ 2π/3 period 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Commutation Period Assuming at a particular commutation process, the current transferring from phase A to phase B is considered, T1 is switched OFF and T2 is switched ON, T3 is chopping 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Commutation Period 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Commutation Period 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Commutation Period 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Commutation Period 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Simulation Results H_PWM_L_ON The duty cycle is 50% The carrier wave cycle is 20K Phase current A is faster than the rising rate of phase current B, and commutation current ripple is produced on the current of phase C 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Low Speed new current control commutation period in low speed 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. High Speed new current control commutation period with high speed 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Torque Ripple H_PWM_L_ON low speed high speed 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Experiment Results H_PWM_L_ON Reference current is 0.3A The carrier wave cycle is 20K Average angular speed is 4.6 rad/s 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Low Speed new current control commutation period with low speed Average angular speed is 4.35rad/s 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. High Speed new current control commutation period with high speed Average angular speed is 17 rad/s 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Torque Ripple H_PWM_L_ON( torque ripple is 18%) low speed ( torque ripple is 4.5%) high speed ( torque ripple is 3.4%) 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
Robot and Servo Drive Lab. Conclusion The PWM_ON_PWM pattern is used to eliminate the diode freewheeling of inactive phase. When the motor works at low speed, the torque ripple is restrained by speeding up the turn- ON phase current through increasing the duty cycle of PWM. When the motor works at high speed, overlapping commutation scheme is used. The commutation times are given by the current controller in low and high speeds The simulation and experimental results carried out in the gimbal servo system of DGMSCMG validate the validity of the proposed current control method 2018/5/17 Robot and Servo Drive Lab.
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