Time over Threshold (ToT) signal discrimination A. Rotondi
The ATLAS experience NIM A 474(2001)172
ATLAS set-up For low energy X ray to be detected in the tube Straw tube: 4 mm diameter, 30 mm Kapton, 70%Xe+20%CF4+10%CO2 drift time 40 ns very different from PANDA
ATLAS DATA 32 tubes
ATLAS simulations
Our simulations
Effective cluster/cm: nMIP dE/dx/(dE/dx)min MIP particle: Argon CO2 Cluster/cm 26 35 Prymary e- 90 91 Effective cluster/cm: nMIP dE/dx/(dE/dx)min N/n ~ 2.8
Straw tube performances: ADC charge d electrons taken into account keV Electrons on the wire no electronics response electrons
Charge multiplication by each electron [from 90 to cutoff] 2000- 20000 Gain: 7 104 (GARFIELD) sampled from the Polya distribution time (s)
dE/dx performances, stt vs tpc similar results with 1 bar pressure Supposing the particles are hitting 22 tubes tpc [Panda TPR]
The signal for each electron... Average gain: 30000 Sampled from Polya ..... is summed-up for each primary electron.....
The formation of the signal ... Primary electrons arrival times
SIGNAL TRESHOLD Fixed: above a static value Constant fraction: a % of max of the signal simulated white noise time (ns) Warning: this will lead to an offset
Pion/electrons 0.4 GeV Pion/protons 0.4 GeV ns Pion/kaons 0.4 GeV ns Pion/protons 0.4 GeV CF Discri mination
Pion/electrons 1.0 GeV Pion/protons 1.0 GeV Pion/kaons 1.0 GeV
Conclusions No separation above 1 sigma no correlation with PMAX signal values no improvement from fixed threshold to CF signal discrimination new signal elaborations could be tested
Straw tube performances: response Calibration: use a parallel beam and find the time response of the tube (simulation of the calibration with cosmic rays ):
Fixed thresold Constant fraction