Hilda-Anne Troupe, RD Strat J4 Food Svcs 5-2


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Presentation transcript:

Hilda-Anne Troupe, RD Strat J4 Food Svcs 5-2 Update on Feeding in the Canadian Armed Forces- Focus on Nutrition and Performance Hilda-Anne Troupe, RD Strat J4 Food Svcs 5-2

Overview Nutrition Strategy Fresh and Combat Ration Feeding National Standardized Cycle Menu (NSCM) - update Promotion of Healthier Choices Cold Weather Rations

Nutrition Strategy-Fresh Feeding Objectives of Nutrition Strategy: To ensure optimal provision of nutrition based on current evidence based research. Enhance operational effectiveness, human performance and long term health. Encourages optimal intake in garrison, during training and on domestic/international deployments. that meet, at a minimum, the Dietary Reference Intake recommendations of the Institute of Medicine (Academies, 2006) and nutritional requirements unique to the military population Make recommendations for the standards of menus and feeding concepts that support an agile and adaptable force able to carry out missions across a wide spectrum of operations including extreme and austere environments while promoting long term health; and c. Consider factors, which affect the intake by the CAF personnel and ultimately their nutritional status and performance, in the development of the standards, menus, feeding concepts and doctrine.

Nutrition Strategy - Combat Rations Objectives: To develop a plan for the revision of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Combat Rations Program (CRP): To ensure provision of nutrients that meet the requirements of STANAG 2937; Make recommendations for nutrient contents (in all components of the CRP) and concept of delivery Consider factors that affect the intake of rations in the development of the rations and supplements .

Nutrition Strategy Five Lines of Operation (LOO) LOO1 Optimal Nutrition Content; LOO2 Intake and Delivery; LOO3 Hydration; LOO4 Education; and LOO5 Sustainment of Strategy

National Standardized Cycle Menu Implemented Nov 2014 Healthier choice soup, entrée and vegetarian choice, local choice Standardized recipes Feed back from units on unpopular choices Added 4th week Additional healthier choices

National Standardized Cycle Menu NSCM revised June 2016 Feedback from units on unpopular choices Added fourth week Additional healthier choices

National Standardized Cycle Menu New Healthier choice criteria Healthier Breakfast Choices Hot cereals Muffins Breakfast Sandwiches Breakfast Parfait Healthier Sandwich Choice Healthier Salad Choice Healthier Dessert Choices Calories: • No more than 200 calories (with no more than 30% of calories from fat) • Trans fat: A maximum of 2% of total fat • ≤ 10% calories from saturated fat • Fibre: A minimum of 2g • ≤ 10g of sugar • Sodium: No more than 200mg • At least ½ serving of fruit/vegetables

Next phase - Other feeding platforms, dispersed meals Review of box lunch standard - healthier choices Navy Standard - various platforms

Promotion of NSCM and Healthier Choices Posters Brochures Table Tents Menu Boards Identifying healthier choices




Eat More Vegetables and Fruit

Choose Whole Grains

Reduce Salt

Make Good Fat A Priority

Cut Back on Bad Fats

Reduce Calorie Intake

Identifying Healthier Choices

Research Defence Research Development Canada (DRDC) Study: Observations and Survey Results Of Army Field Feeding in the Arctic-Arctic Field Feeding Logistics and Effectiveness -Dr. Len Goodman and Wendy Sullivan-Kwantes DRDC- Field Feeding Acceptability and Preferences During a Cold Weather Field Training Environment - Meaford January 2015

Research Results Current rations operational unsuitable in cold weather environment Time to prepare 2/3rd of food is not eaten Total daily energy expenditure - 4916 kcal to 6000 kcal (IMPs provide 3600 kcal) Consumption - average of 1871 Kcal/day Weight loss

Research Cold Weather Field Trial Freeze Dried Ration Menu Trial- Resolute Bay Feb 2016 Purpose: to determine the operational suitability and acceptability of this menu in a cold weather environment and assess the overall intake of soldiers when a menu using freeze dried rations (FDR) is used compared to consumption of IMPs

Cold Weather Field Trial Results Intake better using freeze dried rations over IMPs less than ½ of the menu components contributing significant amounts of complex carbohydrates to the IMP menu were consumed. Less time required to prepare freeze dried rations Freeze dried rations preferred- operationally more suitable Challenge Amount of water required

Next Steps To develop operationally suitable cold weather ration meeting nutritional needs of soldiers (will take up to three years) Interim solution required Directorate Land Requirements (DLR) will be involved in determining the limitations of water availability, weight limitations and equipment requirements as the next step to further development of a cold weather high altitude ration Further study to determine strategies to optimize consumption