Mrs. Manuel Philosophy & Mission Important Information About Our School
Welcome to Heather Hills! Mrs. Manuel – Principal Mr. Roman – TAG Center Coordinator
Talented & Gifted TAG Center Program Mission: To respond to the needs of students who excel in specific academic areas, exhibit high performance in intellectual, creativity and leadership skills or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with other students of similar age, experience, or environment. TAG students come from all socio-economic, demographic and ethnic groups.
Program Components A full day instructional program Highly trained teachers Integrated approach to language arts instruction Foreign Language Accelerated and Enriched Mathematics Interrelated Arts Program Computer Lab Gifted Students with Special Learning Needs
Enrichment Opportunities Jr. Great Books Stock Market Game Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Junior Achievement Write-A-Book Field Trips Destination Imagination Interrelated Arts Program Talent Quest
Talent Quest Heather Hills staff provides students with opportunities to further develop their unique talents and interests through participation in a talent development and enrichment program held weekly.
William and Mary Language Arts Curriculum Language arts units focus on: Analytic and interpretive skills in literature Persuasive Writing skills Linguistic Competency Communication Skills Reasoning Skills
Issues and Themes: Connecting to Overarching Concept of Change Students learn that change is everywhere Change is linked to time Change may be positive or negative Change may be perceived as orderly or random Change may happen naturally or may be caused by people
Tag World Language Program International Culture and Language (ICAL)
Schedule of ICAL Units 1st and 2nd Quarter Grade 2: Japanese Grade 3: Chinese Grade 4: Spanish Grade 5: Spanish 3rd and 4th Quarter Grade 2: French Grade 3: Italian Grade 4: Russian Grade 5: French and Japanese
ICAL Course Overview (All classes will meet 2-3 times per week) Grades 2-4 Basic expressions in the target language will be introduced Music, folk tales and art will be integrated Make connections aligned with the Common Core to Social studies, Language Arts and Math while studying the target culture Cultural experiences to include technology, guest speakers and special programs Grade 5 Communication skills will be developed through language themes including greetings, weather and calendar Cultural research and authentic use of language through projects Textbooks will include Discovering Languages Spanish and French, In Japan Technology integration with Rosetta Stone Language Learning Program in Spanish