Attention, magasineurs! Tout ados Attention, magasineurs! Grade 7 & 8
The Tout Ados Program “The Tout Ados program has been created to meet the needs of today’s adolescents. Its themes reflect the community that students inhabit, their personal interests and daily lives, and their commitment to the world around them.” (page V)
The Tout Ados Methodology Acquisition and application based lessons Suggestions for multilevel classrooms Cooperative learning: pairs and group work Cross-curricular focus Multiple intelligences Culture
Other Kits Available Level 1 Level 2 Vedettes du cirque (circus) Attention, magasineurs! (shopping) Portraits canadiens (Canadian celebrities) À votre santé! (health) Zone sportive (sports) Manèges merveilleux (amusement parks) Réunion à Québec (travel) Mystères sous-marins (mysteries) Expo 1900 Ado Monde (teen world) Vagabonds de l'espace (space) Fêtes et Mardi gras (festivals) Sous un soleil imaginaire (legends) Le tour du monde francophone (the Francophone world) Quoi de neuf? (what’s new?) Ado carrières (careers)
Online Information about Kits
How the Units Work 12 lessons and 1 final task Creative and critical thinking Reading, writing, and oral communication Metacognative component
Contents of the Kit 5 Student Books 1 Work Book (that can be copied) 1 Teacher Resource Guide 1 CD 1 VHS Cassette Multiple Colour Transparencies for the Projector 1 Game Board
Work Smarter, Not Harder Teacher Resource Guide Unit at a glance Communicative/Experiential Outcomes General Language Education Outcomes Language Outcomes Cultural Outcomes Assessment Materials Needed Core and Additional Vocabulary Language-learning Strategies Checklist Detailed Lessons Rubrics for Assessment
Attention, magasineurs! at a Glance Explores theme of back-to-school shopping Some of the lesson topics: Shopping preferences Publicity in shopping centers Television advertisements
What I Think of This Kit Dated resources Great teacher resource guide Pros Cons Great teacher resource guide Familiar topic for students Includes all 4 components of the Basic French Curriculum Everything you need for your unit is included Dated resources VHS Overhead Transparencies