The Brook Dried Up 1 Kings 17:2-7
Background Elijah: Just announced there would be 3 years with no rain Was threatened by Ahab who “did worse than all the kings who were before him.” (1 Kings 16:30) Needed some protection to survive Is sent by God to the brook Cherith Drank from the brook Had meat and bread brought by ravens
Background And it happened after a while that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land. (1 Kings 17:7) Have you had a brook dry up? Popeye Syndrome – “That’s all I can stands. I can’t stands no more.” Have you been there?
Application As a congregation, we have been up and down with the progress and setbacks of several with serious illness and death. We have rejoiced when they are feeling well. We have prayed when they are in pain. It is often a long, difficult struggle. THEN – The brook dries up. HOW DO WE DEAL WITH LIFE WHEN OUR BROOK DRIES UP?
Background Murphy’s Law – If anything can go wrong, it will – and at the worst possible moment. Someone says, “Cheer up, things could be worse.” So I cheered up – sure enough things got worse. HERE ARE 4 THINGS TO LEARN :
When the brook dries up we should: Acknowledge God Provided It In the First Place Jehovah-jireh – God provides Abraham offered Isaac – Genesis 22:8 And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering. God provides sunshine, rain, air, fertile ground, and water God provides summer and winter
When the brook dries up we should: Not Push the Panic Button What if __________ had pushed the panic button? Moses at the Red Sea Joshua at Jericho Caleb as a spy David facing Goliath Daniel in the lion’s den Job when he lost everything
When the brook dries up we should: Remember who is in charge of the water Moses at the rock – 1 Corinthians 10:4 Isaiah sees streams in the desert – Isaiah 35:6 Newlyweds at Cana of Galilee – John 2 Woman at the well in Samaria – John 4 Psalm 23:2b He leads me beside the still waters. Psalm 65:9a You visit the earth and water it, You greatly enrich it;
When the brook dries up we should: Understand God has some place for you God sends Elijah to the village of Zaraphath There is a widow there who needs you Paul wanted to go north and preach – God slammed that door – so he could go to Macedonia “If you can’t be a tree, be a bush. But be the best bush you can be.” God has a plan for your life. Let Him use you.
Conclusion: What about you? Have you had a brook dry up? Just when you think you are “on track again” and things are beginning to turn around – the brook dries up. Learn from Elijah - - - Acknowledge God provided it in the first palce Don’t push the panic button Remember who is in charge of the water God has someplace for you to be of service