英文小教室 主題:汽車
clutch [klʌtʃ] 離合器 Take your foot off the clutch after gear shifting. http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=+clutch+
dashboard [ˋdæʃ͵bɔrd]儀錶板 We are convinced that the customer will accept this new dashboard. http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=dashboard
rear-view mirror [rɪr vju ˋmɪrɚ ]後視鏡 A driver can see the road behind him by looking at the rear view mirror. http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=rear-view+mirror+
piston[ˋpɪstn]活塞 The connecting rod is attached to the piston by the piston pin. http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=piston
Indicator [ˋɪndə͵ketɚ]方向燈 One of the lights on a car that flash to show which way the car is turning. turn signal 方向燈(美國用法) http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/indicator
radiator 散熱器 Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=radiator
valve [vælv]閥門 The exhaust valve on my car has burnt out three times http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=Valve
pedal [ˋpɛd!]踏板 He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. brake pedal 剎車踏板clutch pedal 離合器踏板accelerator油門 http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=pedal
transmission [trænsˋmɪʃən]傳動 The parts of a vehicle that take power from the engine to the wheels. gearbox變速箱 http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/transmission
fuel tank[ˋfjʊəl tæŋk]油箱 White vapor bloomed from the side of the rocket's fuel tank http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=fuel+tank
tailpipe [ˋtelpaɪp]排氣管 Remove the muffler from the exhaust tailpipe. exhaust pipe排氣管 muffler消音器 http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=tailpipe&pageno=1
shock absorber避震器 Humor is the shock absorber of life; it helps us take action. http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=shock+absorber
carburettor 化油器 If an engine ticks over slowly or too fast an adjustment must be made to the carburettor. carburetor 化油器(美國用法) http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=carburettor
spark plug [spɑrk plʌg ]火星塞 Check your spark plug for carbon and check the spark plug gap. http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=sparking+plug+
windscreen [ˋwɪnd͵skrin] 擋風玻璃 http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=windscreen
windscreen wiper [ˋwɪnd͵skrinˋwaɪpɚ ] 雨刷 The windscreen wiper has to be changed. http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=windscreen+wiper+
fender [ˋfɛndɚ]擋泥板 When my father sees the dent in his fender, he'll be mad as hornet. http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=fender
license plate [ˋlaɪsns plet ]汽車牌照 I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=license+plate+
bumper [ˋbʌmpɚ]保險桿 Our bumpers just grazed as we passed. http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=bumper
chassis [ˋʃæsɪ] 車身底盤 http://jukuu.com/jukuu2010/jukuu.php?type=bisent&q=chassis