Learning Technologies E-Learning Maria Hawthorne E-Learning and ICT Co-ordinator
What is E-learning? Learning supported through the use of technology Can cover a range of activities from learning online to blended learning (combining traditional and e-learning)
What might E-learning include? Interactive courses in a virtual learning environment (VLE) Accessories such as classroom voting systems Social networking sites, blogs and wikis Online individual learning plans (ILPs) E-assessment / initial assessment E-portfolios
Objectives for this session: Review a wide range of learning technologies, including a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), classroom voting systems, interactive whiteboard and use of video Have produced and presented a resource using one or more of the above technologies Review the effectiveness of these technologies in meeting individual learning needs
Useful links: www.excellencegateway.org.uk www.jisc.ac.uk www.rsc-northern.ac.uk www.alt.ac.uk