Contributions from delegates. Presentation by consultants. Development forum for Strategic leaders of ICT What constitutes effective practice in the use of Interactive Whiteboard Technology? Contributions from delegates. Presentation by consultants.
Is this an effective use of an Interactive Whiteboard? Development forum for Strategic leaders of ICT Is this an effective use of an Interactive Whiteboard?
Key issues identified by the Primary National Strategy. Development forum for Strategic leaders of ICT Key issues identified by the Primary National Strategy. the need to work harder to help children transfer learning from what they see on the board to applying this in their own work that some teachers abandon previously effective use of resources when offered all that a whiteboard offers the temptation for teachers to explore the technical possibilities offered by the board at the expense of focussing on what children need to learn
Development forum for Strategic leaders of ICT the temptation for teachers to extend the whole class part of the lesson at the expense of time for children’s independent work because the board extends the time it is possible to hold children’s attention in the LEAs where KS2 results were poorer than the national trend, there were difficulties with both technical unreliability and lack of technical support.