Introduction to Persuasive Writing 5th graders! You’re NOT little kids anymore – so don’t ask for toys or a puppy.
Characteristics of Good Persuasive Writing What do you already know about persuasion or persuasive writing? What kinds of topics, purposes, and audiences did you write to? Let’s Role Play! Someone will be the parent. I will be the kid. I will try to persuade the parent to get me something that I want. Tell me what you observed.
Possible Tasks in On-Demand Writing Writing to Inform Writing to Narrate an Event Writing to Persuade To give information to a reader for a specific purpose that is stated in the prompt. To tell the reader a story about a personal experience for a specific purpose that is stated in the prompt. To convince the reader to do or believe something that is stated in the prompt. We’ve already written one piece to Inform (Feature Article) and one to Narrate an event (Narrative). This time we will write a piece to Persuade!
Characteristics of Good Persuasive Writing Look at the handouts entitled: “Hey, You’re Lookin’ Good!” (worksheet) The letter to Mr. K____. You will find, mark, and/or fill in the blanks according to the directions on the worksheet. Use the piece on the screen called “Look For” to assist you in answering the questions.
Four Good Ways to Persuade What is the meaning of the expressions – “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes” and “reading someone’s mind”? There are four good ways to persuade: Giving good reasons Stating benefits Considering audience’s arguments Addressing problems/offering solutions To use these strategies effectively, you have to be able to read someone’s mind and put yourself in their shoes— you have to think like your audience.