Sample Introduction from Mrs. Jones “The most interesting feature of my history here, was my learning to read and write, under somewhat marked disadvantages” (Douglass 521). Frederick Douglass was a slave who persevered through adversity to pursue goals. Douglass was taught to read and write and this changed the course of his life. An autobiography, My Bondage and My Freedom was written by Frederick Douglass to show his life through his eyes. It is evident Douglass is passionate about reading and writing as this is the focal point of most of his autobiography. Frederick Douglass’ autobiography My Bondage and My Freedom expresses specific feelings like confusion, disappointment, determination, and defiance and convey Douglass is attempting to show readers slavery should be abolished.
CQC Method for Body Paragraph 1 Context- Douglass shows feelings of confusion and disappointment through the use of diction and imagery by stating Quote- “My mistress who had begun to teach me-was suddenly checked in her benevolent design, by the strong advice of her husband. In faithful compliance with this advice, the good lady had not only ceased to instruct me, herself but had set her face as a flint against my learning to read by any means” (Douglass 521). Comment- As Douglass uses the words “benevolent”, “strong”, and “flint”, the reader can visualize through imagery the illustration of confusion Douglass is portraying. The use of these vivid words show Douglass is in a state of confusion because his mistress has stopped teaching him. The word choice Douglass utilizes such as “faithful compliance” and “face as a flint” express the disappointment felt from Douglass as he was turned away from reading and writing.
CQC Method for Body Paragraph #1 [con’t] Comment-