990N Filing Help Jeff Dick, Associate Professor Developed by: Jeff Dick, Associate Professor Field Specialist, OSU Extension
To access the IRS site to create a profile and/or to submit a filing, go to: irs.gov Choose “Filing” tab then choose “Charities and Non-Profits” then choose “Annual Electronic Filing Requirement for Small Exempt Organizations — Form 990-N (e-Postcard)” then go to “Ready to file” and choose “Form 990-N Electronic Filing System (e-Postcard)”
https://sa. www4. irs. gov/eauth/pub/login. jsp https://sa.www4.irs.gov/eauth/pub/login.jsp?Data=VGFyZ2V0TG9BPUI%253D&TYPE=33554433&REALMOID=06-000ca231-ad53-16bc-8663-483c0adb40e7&GUID=&SMAUTHREASON=0&METHOD=GET&SMAGENTNAME=UOkC7yx4eMTO24FGxPfBRb5q3Mj3Xh3pyXfBEjYyHJ97nGCXu16wx5MzFHjfZmlG&TARGET=-SM-http%3a%2f%2fsa%2ewww4%2eirs%2egov%2fepostcard%2fsecure%2fhome%2f
To File EIN Submission Complete “User ID” and select “LOGIN”
Log In Read security directions, type in password and select “SUBMIT”.
Log In History Check to see that no one has logged into your account, then select “CONTINUE”
Manage Profile select “MANAGE E-POSTCARD PROFILE” after login
List of EIN’s Your list will show the EIN’s currently associated with your profile. Be certain “Preparer” is highlighted. Edit if not
Add EIN to Profile Type in new EIN and select “Add EIN” Next Year-check and select “Create New Filing”
Unrecognized EIN Error If you receive this error, print screen and file with final status list. You can go no further with this EIN
Removing an EIN If you need to remove an EIN from your profile, check and select “DELETE EIN”
Select EIN After adding all county EINs Select EIN After adding all county EINs. Select EIN you wish too file for from drop down menu, highlight the EIN, select “CONTINUE”
Organizational Details Blank screen looks like below Organizational Details Blank screen looks like below. Review each club/affiliate’s Yearly Financial Summary before continuing!
Organizational Details Complete As long as the club/affiliate has less than $50,000 gross annual receipts, complete form as below. (Note: If the club/affiliate has terminated, select “Yes” from first drop down menu) select “CONTINUE”
Organizational Information Complete “DBA Name” with club/affiliates name and Office address.
Principle Officer complete this section with the information on file for the club/affiliate organizational volunteer then select “SUBMIT FILING”
Confirmation Warning Select “OK” if you have completed the submission as directed above.
Confirmation of Submission Select “MANAGE FORM 990-N SUBMISSIONS” to complete additional submissions.
Viewing Status Report Select “MANAGE FORM 990N SUBMISSION” after login
List of EIN with Status Click on those with “Pending” status to update status print these pages when all are complete and status is updated. Select “CREATE NEW FILING” to file additional 990N
Status Check 7 minutes after submission, the action column will change to “Get Updated Status” only. Click this and Status should update from “Pending”
To Continue Filing Select another EIN and repeat slides 21-26
Error Example If you attempt to submit for an EIN that has been previously submitted, you will receive this error message
Close Browser Once completed and you select “Log Out” the IRS will ask you for security to select “CLOSE BROWSER”
To contact the IRS directly about a non-profit filing question 877-829-5500 If you have questions about assisting 4-H clubs and affiliates to file: dick.7@osu.edu