Vidin Model to Fight Aggression & Discrimination at School Jan. 9, 2017 Vidin, Bulgaria
Outline Europe 2020 strategy Definitions, Tools and Mechanisms Vidin Desegregation Model Future
EU 2020 Strategy In 2009, four objectives have been set, namely: Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training Promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.
EU benchmarks At least 95% of children (from 4 to compulsory school age) should participate in early childhood education fewer than 15% of 15-year-olds should be under-skilled in reading, mathematics and science the rate of early leavers from education and training aged 18-24 should be below 10% at least 40% of people aged 30-34 should have completed some form of higher education at least 15% of adults should participate in lifelong learning at least 20% of higher education graduates and 6% of 18-34 year-olds with an initial vocational qualification should have spent some time studying or training abroad link to another EC website the share of employed graduates (aged 20-34 with at least upper secondary education attainment and having left education 1-3 years ago) should be at least 82%.
Yet, no benchmarks at EU level have been set to address aggression and discrimination at school
Definitions Aggressive child behavior: Discrimination at school: Oppositional and Defiant Fighting: These are kids who fight and don’t even know why. And the more we try to explore the “why” with them, the more they act defiantly. These are the kids to whom parents are most prone to unwittingly teach excuses. Verbal Abuse and Temper Tantrums: Kids often fight by being verbally abusive; that’s how they strike out at you. The goal when you intervene with kids who are being verbally abusive is to teach them how to do things differently next time—the same as if they were fighting or hitting. Angry and Antagonistic Behavior: Sometimes kids get angry or antagonized by another child and hit them. Or two or more kids will have an argument that escalates until they come to blows. Some children are easily antagonized, and will often use a fist in place of other coping skills. Discrimination at school: - disability - pregnancy or maternity - race - religion or belief - sexual orientation
Tools and mechanisms to fight aggression and discrimination Work of the Psychologist Supervisor at school School Policy NGO Activities
Vidin Model to Fight Aggression and Discrimination at School
NGO “Organization Drom” Beginning in 1997
Issue which we addressed: BETWEEN 1975-2000 in the city of Vidin: Majority Roma pupils drop out of school Majority are illiterate which brings unemployment Only few graduated high school and that was considered great achievement 5 University graduates from Roma ethnic origin.
Vidin Desegregation Model
“Organization Drom” in…
Outcome: 2000-2016 Over 3,500 Roma children got access to quality education in the mainstream schooling system from Vidin and five other locations in the Vidin Region 99.5 % graduated high school Over 300 university/college students Over 100 University graduates 1 PhD candidate
Future: Equal access to housing for Roma in Vidin
Contacts: Human of the Year 2009 Donka Panayotova Chair, NGO Organization Drom