ARC FUNDING RULES For Discovery Projects funding commencing in 2017* PDF Format (846KB) – Word Format (197KB) *The relevant parts for Discovery Projects proposals are Part A and Part C. The other parts of these Funding Rules relate to other schemes and are not relevant to Discovery Projects proposals. Changes to the Discovery Projects Funding Rules for 2017 PDF Format (474KB) – Word Format (87KB)
DISCOVERY PROJECT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Investigator(s) 40% Track Record / Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence (ROPE) and time and capacity to undertake research Project Quality and Innovation 25% Does the research address a significant problem? Is the conceptual/theoretical framework innovative and original? What is the potential for the research to contribute to the Science and Research Priorities? Will the aims, concepts, methods and results advance knowledge? What is the potential for the research to enhance international collaboration? Feasibility and Benefit 20% Do the Project’s design, participants and requested budget create confidence in the timely and successful completion of the Project? Will the completed Project produce innovative economic, environmental, social and/or cultural benefit? Will the proposed research be cost-effective and value for money? Project Research Environment 15% Is there an existing, or developing, supportive and high quality research environment? Are the necessary facilities available to complete the Project? Are there adequate strategies re dissemination, commercialisation (if appropriate), and promotion of research outcomes? TOTAL 100%
INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS, FAQ’s For funding commencing in 2017 Instructions to Applicants – PDF Format (1MB) – Word Format (4MB) Frequently Asked Questions – PDF Format (396KB) – Word Format (69KB) Cross-scheme Eligibility Frequently Asked Questions – PDF Format (546KB) – Word Format (62KB)
RMS Information When to use RMS 2.0 The Research Management System (RMS) 2.0 is a web-based system used to prepare and submit research proposals, assessments and rejoinders. RMS 2.0 Information page. When to use RMS 2.0 To submit a pre-submission eligibility issue in a scheme round To submit a proposal in a scheme round To submit an assessment in a scheme round To update personal details To view outcomes of a Scheme Round RMS 2.0 Login
CI Eligibility A6.2.1 a researcher can be funded for a maximum of: a. two Projects as a CI, or b. one ARC Fellowship or ARC Award, and one Project as a CI C6.2.1 As at 1 January 2017 a researcher nominated on a Proposal as a CI must meet at least one of the following criteria: a. be an employee for at least 0.2 (20 per cent of Full Time Equivalent at an Eligible Organisation; or b. be a holder of an Emeritus appointment at an Eligible Organisation.
CI Eligibility Emeritus Appointment means any Honorary position that gives full academic status, as certified by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) in a Proposal. These positions are typically held by former academic staff members that continue to have an ongoing relationship with the institution. For ARC purposes this relationship should include access to research support comparable to employees, and would also normally include participation in postgraduate supervision. A person will not be considered to hold an Emeritus Appointment if they are in paid employment elsewhere.
Eligibility - changes for 2017 ‘Strategic Research Priorities’ references have been replaced with ‘Science and Research Priorities’ (A3 and throughout document). HDR stipends may not be requested, in whole or in part, for CIs and PIs (A5.3.1(e)). On-costs amounts to be requested in respect of salaries have been raised from 28% to 30% Teaching relief for CIs raised to a maximum value for the Project of $50,000 per year (C5.1). Restriction on travel costs being permitted only ‘for CIs, PIs and research support personnel’ removed. All requests must still be directly related to the research project and justified in the proposal (C5.1). Partner Investigator eligibility requirements no longer require Partner Investigators to secure cash or in-kind contribution or other resources from their own organisation (C6.3)
ARC Certification Discovery Project Certification proforma The RSO cannot submit a Discovery Project application to ARC until all Written Evidence Forms are on file. Flinders Certification Form is sufficient for all Flinders CI’s including DECRA applicants. Written Evidence Forms are required for all external CI’s, PI’s and their Organisations Email with signed Written Evidence Forms, where necessary, for CI’s, PI’s and Organisations. Please ensure that the subject of the email includes the application ID, CI surname and scheme e.g. “Subject: DP1501000001_Smith_WrittenEvidence.” Discovery Project Certification proforma PDF Format (308KB) - Word Format (30KB)
DP17 Applications Open in RMS DP17 RSO Close Date DP17 ARC Close Date 9 December 2015 3 February 2016 2 March 2016 DP17 Deadline RSO Activity Action 16 February 2016 Submit Request Not To Assess Complete Request Not To Assess and send to 3 Feb 2016 Full compliance review Applications submitted to the RSO by this date in RMS and for which all Written Evidence forms have been provided will receive a full review. The full review includes an eligibility check and review of all fields for completeness and conformity with rules but not scientific quality. 17 Feb 2016 Partial compliance review Applications submitted to RSO in RMS by this date and for which all Written Evidence Forms have been provided will receive a partial review. The partial review includes an eligibility check and compliance review of the Grant Proposal and budget. 29 Feb 2016 Submission only Applications first submitted to the RSO in RMS on or after this date will be submitted as is, provided all Written Evidence Forms are on file. 1 Mar 2016, 12pm Adel time Final submission deadline Submission to ARC will take place at the latest at 12 pm on 2 March 2016 (unless applications have already been submitted). Applications must be submitted in RMS by this time or they risk non-submission to ARC.
RSO COMPLIANCE REVIEW When your application is ready for review, submit the application to the RSO in RMS Principles of Compliance Review Applications will be reviewed in the order of receipt, with the level of review as indicated, time permitting. Applications will be reviewed following submission in RMS and receipt of Written Evidence Forms. If your application is not complete when submitted, the RSO will review the application as is, and will not re-check incomplete sections at a later date. Therefore, an application submitted for review should be “submission ready” i.e. ready for submission to ARC. There will be a single eligibility check. Significant changes made after review cannot be constantly checked - any significant changes made after review are at the CI’s risk.
DO Read and follow the Rules and the Instructions to Applicants Use the exact titles in the Application Form and the Instructions Follow the Instructions regarding formatting – e.g. 12 pt font; .5cm maximum margin for text Break up the text by using white space, sub-sections; occasionally use diagrams/ figures/ dot points Fully Justify all Budget Requests Allow sufficient time to incorporate feedback from peers and the RSO compliance review into your final application
APPLICATION SUPPORT RSO Contacts: Faculty Contacts: Flinders ARC Discovery Projects resource webpage: RSO Contacts: Christine Maher (x12045) Faculty Contacts: SBS: Mary Lyons (x15115) EHL: Narmon Tulsi (x12868) Please note: Applications MUST be accompanied by a fully signed Flinders Certification Form and the relevant, signed ARC Certification Forms: Flinders Certification Form can be downloaded here 13