Paternity leave with a leave benefit at a high level in Lithuania Vaidotas Kalinauskas Ministry of Social Security and Labour Wien, 16-17 May 2017
Types of leave Maternity (or pregnancy and child birth leave) – granted to the mother; Paternity - granted only to father during 1st babies month, non- transferable;* Child care leave - the mother and father are equal to make a choice. *changes from 1st July 2017 Wien, 16-17 May 2017
Pregnancy and child birth leave duration 126 days (18 weeks) + 14 days in case of complicated childbirth 100 % wage (no ceiling) mother must have at least 12 months of work experience within the last 24 months Wien, 16-17 May 2017
Child care leave Childcare leave is guarantied until the child reaches the age of three years Childcare (parental) leave could be shared between mother and father or guardians or taken by one of them. Also it is available for other child caretakers, but they do not receive benefits. Benefits Year 1: 100 % wage Year 2: 70 % the first year. Second year - 40 % Year 3 - no such benefits but you have the right to the same job. Wien, 16-17 May 2017
Paternity leave – fathers leave (1) The father is entitled to paternity benefit if: he is covered by maternity social insurance; he was granted paternity leave until the child was one month old; before the first day of the paternity leave he had the sickness and maternity social insurance coverage for not less than 12 months during the last 24 months. Introduced in the mid of 2006 Wien, 16-17 May 2017
Paternity leave – fathers leave (2) The paternity benefit shall be paid for the period of paternity leave from the day of childbirth until the child is one month old. Since 1st July 2017 paternity benefit shall be paid for 30 continuous calendar days at any time of the child birth until the child reaches the age of three months (complicated childbirth or the birth of two more children - from birth until the child reaches the age of six months) Since 1st July 2017 employees are granted after the birth of the child 30 continuous calendar days of paternity leave. This leave shall be granted at any time of the child birth until the child reaches the age of three months (complicated childbirth or the birth of two more children - from birth until the child reaches the age of six months) Wien, 16-17 May 2017
Paternity leave – fathers leave (3) The amount of the paternity benefit is 100 % of the beneficiary’s reimbursed remuneration. The benefit per month shall not be lower than 20 percent of the national average monthly wage. The maximum compensatory wage for calculation of paternity benefits cannot exceed the size of two national average monthly wages. Paternity leave is financed by the State Social Insurance Fund Board (SoDra) Wien, 16-17 May 2017
Beneficiaries of paternity benefits Within 2 years the number of paternity beneficiaries increased by more than 4 times Within 10 years the number of paternity beneficiaries has increased by more than 5 times Wien, 16-17 May 2017
Distribution of the number of the recipients of maternity, paternity and maternity (paternity) allowances by gender Wien, 16-17 May 2017
Distribution of the number of the recipients of paternity allowances by age in 2016 Wien, 16-17 May 2017
Thank you for your attention Wien, 16-17 May 2017