Transparent management and cooperation with NGOs P O L A N D MARIAN BURAS 16th May, 2017
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality Tasks performed by the NGOs include: education (schools, kindergartens, etc.) culture (outdoor festivals, cultural meetings, publications), organizing free time for children and youth, sport, charity, protection of cultural hertitage, international cooperation, supporting entrepreneurship.
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality MANAGEMENT OF „SMALL SCHOOLS” In Morawica Municipality there are 5 so called „Small schools” which are run by associations. These associations are mostly made of students’ parents. The main reasons for handing on the schools to parents’ associations were: small number of students in a school, very difficult financial situation, the schools were about to be closed down.
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality MANAGEMENT OF „SMALL SCHOOLS” The first 3 „small schools” were established in 2001. They inculde I – III grades. In 2003 another „small school” was established in Lisów. It includes I – VI grades. In 2007 the last „small school” was established; also I – VI grades.
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality KINDERGARTENS First kindergarten in Morawica Municipality was established in 1995 for 125 kids. In 2008 local government applied for EU funds to open additional 9 pre-school education sites. The money was granted and until 2010 additional about 140 children could attend to kindergarten.
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality KINDERGARTENS Local community realized the importance of promoting education among the youngest and that’s why local government decided to continue the activity of all kindergartens. Due to consultations with residents decision was made that the kindergarnets are going to be run by associations and local government will finance its activity. Nowadays over 680 children attend to kindergartens which is over 85% of all children in municipality.
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality COMMUNITY CENTRES organize additional activities that help in the self-development of children and young people from the commune. It is also a positive way of spending free time. All centres promote programs that aim to educate children and youth in the spirit of creativity and collaboration. Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality COMMUNITY CENTERS give alterntive for spending free time for children and youth from the municipality. Since 2005 in the form of open tender grants are given for the operation of community centers that offer cultural/ educational/ sport activities.
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality ASSOCIATIONS’ ACTIVITIES In order to carry out transparent management of public funds local government forwards the tasks of municipality in the field of promoting physical culture, sport, organizing leisure time for children and youth to associations. These include such tasks as: meetings and cultural integration (e.g. „Indian Village”), sports competitions (e.g. soccer games, motocross competitions), volutary fire brigades competitions. Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality ASSOCIATIONS’ ACTIVITIES As part of financial policy management of local government of Morawica Municipality there are inititives which are chosen by the residents themselves during village meetings. The funds which are devoted for each village depend on the number of citizens of particular village. Residents decide together what kind of investment will be carried out using public funds from so called „village fund” e.g. roads or its projects, to support educational, cultural or sport activities.
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality Active participation of citizens in decision making process in such important matters like education, culture, safety, consulting strategic projects for the municipality, etc. give a solid foundation for building civic society. Management policy which involves cooperation with citizens is the basis for sustainability of local development in Morawica Municipality.
Poland, MORAWICA - Town and Municipality Factors for the sustainability of transparent management and cooperation with local NGO: trust and stabilization of local authorities (the same mayor since 1990), sustainable development policy, human capital, inculding citizens in the decision making proces
Thank You Marian Buras