י ד י י ם פ ס ל י – ח ו צ ו ת Hands 1
Metin Yurdanur Abdi Ipekci Park, Turkey
Albert Pountney, Healing Hands Leicester, UK
Giant Hands scotland
Garden Furniture Sculpture, Sussex
Brian Fell All Hands Cardiff.
British Sculptor, Kenneth Armitage
Eduardo Paolozzi Edinburgh, Scotland
Brisbane Australia
The artist behind it is the Chilean sculptor Mario Irarrázabal The artist behind it is the Chilean sculptor Mario Irarrázabal. the hand was constructed at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level. The work has a base of iron and cement, and stands 11 meters tall.
La Plata, Argentina
Uruguay Mario Irarrazabal,
Head Hand Sculpture - Paris
The hand that represents Antwerp in the city centre.
Amsterdam, Holland
Rainer Kriester Two hands folded and covering a face Holland
Eastern Slovakia
Hong Kong.
Homigot, Korea Hand of Harmoney
"The Hand", Korea Yongsan Family Park. Made from a series of roof-like tiles wired together.
Canada Sorel Etrog
Park chico, California
New Mexico State University Alamogordo - hand grasping diploma
Praying Hands. 60 feet tall TULSA, OKLAHOMA
Sassona Norton “Touch” N.J. U.S.A.
Portland, Oreg. U.S.A
Los Angeles
Fernando Botero
Peter Haines