Vulnerability of Communities in Close Proximity to OCS Programs Support Infrastructure and Activity June 22, 2017 Keely M. Hite Social Science Specialist Division of Environmental Assessment 703-787-1103
What makes you vulnerable? Vulnerability What makes you vulnerable?
What is vulnerability? “The inability of a system to withstand against the perturbations of external stressors.” (Paul, 2013)
Vulnerability of Communities in Close Proximity to OCS Programs Support Infrastructure and Activity BOEM Information Need: Data for analyses, public involvement, and consultation to comply with OCSLA, NEPA, E.O. 12898, E.O. 13175 Identify baseline conditions of communities onshore of potential or existing OCS activity Analysis and monitoring of spatial changes and relationships of high, median, and low income neighborhoods over time Date Information is Required: FY 2018-2021
Existing Tools Modeling of Census Data: SocScape-University of Cincinnati Census block resolution EJScreen-EPA Census tract resolution (size varies)
Background Relationship with Previous Work/Efforts: Environmental Justice related BOEM studies in the GOM and Alaska Regions Relationship with Future Efforts: This study is proposed as a pilot study for the South Atlantic; and could be adapted for future use in other BOEM regions.
Study Objectives Garner an enhanced understanding of vulnerabilities affecting communities onshore of OCS planning areas Identify proximity of EJ neighborhoods to other income populations Gain understanding of spatial relationship between populations and offshore support industrial zones
Study Objectives Analyze movement and change over the past15 years Gain understanding of how these variables affect communities’ vulnerability to impacts and disasters
Methods Ethnographic data collection Community participation -structured interviews Community participation
Relationship to Strategic Science Questions How can BOEM best assess cumulative effects within the framework of environmental assessments? How does BOEM ensure the integrated use of its social sciences in assessing the impacts of OCS activities on the human environment?