Jinfan Chang Experimental Physics Center , IHEP Feb 18 , 2011


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Presentation transcript:

Jinfan Chang Experimental Physics Center , IHEP Feb 18 , 2011 KM2A electronics Jinfan Chang Experimental Physics Center , IHEP Feb 18 , 2011

Outline Introduction: Tasks and Requirements Design options Engineering array electronics waveform digitalization

KM2A electronics design include Ground Electron Detector Array (GEDA) electronics 5137 channels Ground Muon Detector Array (GMDA) electronics 1209 channels

Single channel hit rate Requirement Item GEDA GMDA Number of channels 5137 1209 Dynamic Range 1-3000e 1-3000u Resolution <25%@1e <5%@3000e <25%@1u <5%@3000u Timing resolution 2ns 10ns Single channel hit rate 1KHz 10KHz threshold 0.25e 0.25u Operating range -40 to 80℃

Tasks In order to make the readout electronics system simple and easy to maintain, the same electronics boards will be used for both GEDA and GMDA Electronics system Functions: Determine the charge (energy) of each PMT signal Provide precision timing information (PMT hit to trigger) Provide real time NHIT (number of PMT hits) to Trigger

Design options Charge measurement Time measurement Charge integrate waveform digitize Time measurement TDC using FPGA Waveform digitize

Charge measurement charge integrator: V is proportional to Q A CR-(RC)n shaping circuit is used to obtain a smooth signal peak The shaped signal is sent into two amplifiers with different gains, these two analog signals are digitized using two Flash ADCs The digitized samples go directly into the FPGA, in which all data processing (e.g. range selection, data pipelining, peak finding, pedestal subtraction, nonlinearity corrections, and data buffering) will be implemented

Time measurement A stable threshold is set using a DAC controlled from the FPGA. The rising edge of the discriminator output signal is used to start the TDC The trigger signal is used as common stop

Time measurement The TDC will be realized by using internal resources of a high-performance FPGA The odd counter changes at the rising edge of an internal 320 MHz clock, while the even one changes at the falling edge Each time bin is 1.563 ns. The RMS of the time resolution is less than 0.5 ns Need the less resource of FPGA

Engineering array electronics 3 FEE modules (each 16 channels),1 Trigger module,1 GPS module, FEE and Trigger are VME modules The input PMT signal is immediately amplified and used to drive two distinct circuits, a discriminator (threshold decision and TDC start pulse), and a pulse shaping circuit whose output is sampled to accurately measure the charge of the pulse.

VME crate has been put in the center of the array Fig. Sketch map of the engineering array (42 casstters) in ARGO central carpet. (each red star represents one cassette) VME crate has been put in the center of the array The cable length between PMT and FEE is 45m

FEE test in Lab Linearity test Time resolution Crosstalk Data transfer Engineering array test result (see Shengxiangdong’s report and Liujia’s report)

Charge measure test High gain: 1pc –100pc Low gain: 100pc – 2800pc Resolution: <20%@1pc <1%@5pc

Time Resolution Max time rms is 0.5 TDC count, is 1.5625*0.5 = 0.78ns

Crosstalk ADC Input to ch3 2.5V Input to ch4 No observable xtalk

CBLT readout timing test 37 words (36data words + double CBLT foot) needs 12.5us Speed : 3.0M words /sec

Local station consist of 19 PMTs, each FEB has 19 channels for 19 PMTs GPS hexagon Local station consist of 19 PMTs, each FEB has 19 channels for 19 PMTs The cable length between PMT and FEB is 30m The local station will collect the Muon detector data which in the area FEB data will be transferred from local station to center station

Waveform digitization PMT signal Rising edge :~3ns After 30m cable Rising edge :4ns~5ns FADC: E2V AT84AS001 12bit 500Msps Power consumption 2.4W ENOB 10bit

Waveform digitization prototype module Waveform digitization can save all the information from PMT output signal No dead time, can distinguish different signal and pileup

Prototype status Waveform digitization module and data receiver module: schematic design has finished After technical review, start to PCB layout

Time calibration Local station Center station Center station clock is synchronized by GPS Center station generate a pulse to FDB board at time t1;FDB return a pulse after a known, programmable wait interval δt; center station board received the return pulse at time t2 T1,T2,and δt are known, we can get the relationship between local time and center time by a certain arithmetic Clock distribution: “white rabbit” (see Duqiang’s report)

Trigger There are n PMTs firing in trigger windows N will be decided by simulation and experiments Trigger windows is 1us

KM2A electronics design Possible option ASIC chip (see Yanxiongbo’s report)

Thank you! Any suggestion is welcome !