Recent study of the 14O(a,p)17F reaction using TwinSol radioactive beams Schatz et al.
Use inverse 17F(p,a)14O to determine 14O(a,p)17F rate Previous low-energy measurements limited by low beam intensities (<105) at 40 MeV.
F TWINSOL has been in operation for ~20 years. 100s of scientists from 10s of countries have participated in TWINSOL experiments
Ionization Counter to Diagnose Secondary Beam dE1 E Total dE1 105-6 17F/s 17F/16O~1 E Total
17F(p,a) setup
Calibrate with 17O(p,a)14N 1H(17O,p)17O 1H(17O,a)14N Energy Deposited in Small Detector Strip Number of Large Detector Energy Deposited in Large Detector Energy Deposited in Large Detector
1H(17O,a)14N 1H(17F,a)14O Strip Number of Large Detector Strip Number of Large Detector Energy Deposited in Large Detector Energy Deposited in Large Detector
Need better clarity to identify events of interest -Replace target with position-sensitive MCP. Foil will be CH2 target. -Use position to map reaction angle. -TOF between target and detector to identify particle type. -Can pulse beam to distinguish between 16O and 17F induced events (but lose factor of 3 in beam intensity). Other improvements: Thinner production target windows allow for lower FN tandem voltages and thus higher currents. – Moving second TwinSol solenoid closer to target to produce smaller spot size. Cryogenically-cooled target??? Particle-telescopes for a’s? Next attempt ~ Jan. 2017.