HPS: R&D issues Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (UCLouvain/CERN)


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Presentation transcript:

HPS: R&D issues Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (UCLouvain/CERN) Moving pipe Timing detectors Manchester meeting, 12-14 December 2009

Moving Hamburg pipe concept Successfully used at HERA: Robust and simple design, + easy access to detectors Motorization and movement control to be cloned from LHC collimator design 14/12/2009 K. Piotrzkowski

Status of Hamburg moving beam pipe Machining Benoît FLORINS

Status of Hamburg moving beam pipe Electro-erosion

Moving pipe: Detector ‘pockets’ In preparation for 2009 (!) beam tests: Thin 300 mm entrance and side windows 14/12/2009 K. Piotrzkowski

Hamburg moving beam pipe prototype UCLouvain Two pockets laser welded ready for test beam

HPS acceptance: Recent lessons HPS240 approach not too close to avoid shadowing Dead edge should be minimized at HPS240 It favors short pockets For HPS240 one pocket design should become baseline Length of Cerenkov detectors should be minimized Present CMS pixel detector provide good resolution for stage 1 14/12/2009 K. Piotrzkowski

Moving pipe R&D We need to start asap moving pipe design effort, coordinated by LHC/CERN groups: Finalize pocket design Design all integration aspects (vacuum, RF, etc) Integrate collimator motorization solutions Make safety and risk analysis Prototyping: + UCLouvain got funding for making a full moving pipe prototype with HR: 30% mech. Engineer + CAD office + mechanical workshop + UERJ (Rio) might contribute to control software (motors) 14/12/2009 K. Piotrzkowski

Picosecond ToF detectors At nominal luminosity event rate so high @ FP420 that accidental overlays (= interesting event in central detector + two protons from single diffraction) become major background! Use very fast ToF detectors to reduce it by matching z-vertex from central tracking with z-by-timing from proton arrival time difference: LHC vertex spread is ~50 mm to reduce significantly backgrounds one needs ~10 ps time resolutions (  2 mm z-vertex resolution)! Developed very fast timing detectors: Cerenkov radiators + fastest MCP-PMTs Very challenging environment  pushing MCP-PMT performances to the limits: High event rates, up to several MHz Running MCP-PMTs close to maximal anode currents Large annual total collected anode charges (~10 C/cm2!) GasToF: Gas (C4F10) Cerenkov detector with very fast light pulse (< 1 ps!)  resolution limited by TTS of MCP-PMTs and electronics Quartic: Quartz based Cerenkov with fine segmentation – multi-hit capability Going beyond requires new ideas: sub-picosecond streak cameras?? 14/12/2009 K. Piotrzkowski

GasToF: Cosmic-ray tests Resolution < 20 ps for 1 p.e.! From Dec’08 14/12/2009 K. Piotrzkowski

Timing detectors R&D Detector designs and prototyping well advanced (for stage 1) MCP-PMT laser testing mature – good contacts with Photek; plans for lifetime measurements Need to focus on fast electronics – should be part of pool of CMS upgrade projects: - reference precision clock long distance distribution (Jeff/LLNL+SLAC and Mike(and Brian)/FNAL) - fast CFD and TDC cards (UCLouvain/FNAL/???) - DAQ for timing (???) 14/12/2009 K. Piotrzkowski

Other?? BPM?? Alignment?? 14/12/2009 K. Piotrzkowski

3D sensors/detectors 3D R&D network well developed and expanding Next year (2010) crucial for sensor testing at beams + first sensors with CMS pixel chips 14/12/2009 K. Piotrzkowski