Democracy and Political elites Luca Verzichelli / Alessandro Chiaramonte Comparative Political Institutions Academic year 2016-2017
Old and new Elitism Mosca [1896] and the idea of the Ruling class Pareto [1916] and the dynamics of the Elite circulation Michels [1911] and the iron law of oligarchy Weber and Shumpeter are also considered classic elitists although their notion of elite is already “contemporary”. The debate in North America between pluralists and elitists and most of the behaviouralist scholars are inspired by the European tehory of elites Even a “neo-marxist elitism”? A new paradigm? Robert Putnam [1976] claims for a comparative and empirical approach. Later, Higley and Field propose a new theoretical perspective based on “new elitism”
Elites and the question of democratic transformation New elitist approach built on Shumpeter and Lasswell (Sartori, the theory of democracy revisited, 1987) Different focus on elite theory from the studies of democratic dynamics (Huntington, the Third wave, 1991 vs. Przeworski and others) Focus on policy outcomes and transformation of policy communities (different approaches) Cultural and historical path dependencies (Putnam, making democracy works, 1993, Bowling alone, 2000) Elite centred theories not mentioning elites: - Actor-centred institutionalism - Rational choice institutionalism
Persistent emphasis on elites’ role … … but with some variations Elites should rule. But they are differently responsible and differently stratifies (experts, networks, interactions …). Citizens choose between elite proposals but by means of different democratic tools. Result should be an efficient government but with new system of control over elite’s action. Politics is still too (or even more) complex for average citizens. But we should avoid apathy
Redefining all the representative institutions Challenges to elites or other? Reintroducing the argument of the decline of representative institutions (quest for participatoy democracy and deliberative democracy) Decline of party-democracy and emphasis on public opinion (Manin) Counter-democracy and new social pluralism (Rosanvallon) Still a relevant role of representative institution but challenges from social complexity, immigration, etc.
Putnam’s lesson: bridging long term elite transformation to macro-explanations A classic picture of long term parliamentary elite change: the decline of nobility and the rise of party professionals (Cotta and Best 2007)
Leader democracy (Koroseny 2005)
Patterns of legislative turnover. Matland and Studlar [2004] Type of exit Cause of Exit Independent variable Involuntary De-Selection El. system: party strategy on replacing incumbents Inter-party electoral defeat El. system: personal vote Frequency of elections Intraparty electoral defeat Threat of losing to fellow party member Intra/inter party electoral defeat El. system: double listing of candidates Electoral defeat Electoral volatility Failure to be re-nominated Party ideology Voluntary Pursue private career Cost of staying Desire to retire Frequency of election Dissatisfaction with being a legislator Pleasure & power Many of the hypotheses are confirmed. Electoral volatility and party system changes remain the most relevant factors of legislative turnover, but a set of institutional factors stemming from the design of electoral institutions is also important. Party ideology is less and less relevant
The quest for internal party democracy Hazan and Rahat [2010] (ch. 10) Crucial question: Which candidate selection method better serves democracy? Democracy should be understood and achieved in terms of both intraparty selection and interparty election. However, there is no single method serving all the crucial democratic goals (enforcing participation, producing democratic outputs, providing governmental power and party strength) . A possible selection method: three different selectorates, using moderate requirements for candidacy, and allowing the national center a say in candidate selection. Party democracy not as just participation: Participation can help the party to find the best and most competitive candidate.
Sociology of legislatures [Best & Vogel 2015] Institutional socialisation Recruitment Representative focus Representative roles Crisis of parliaments?