Performance Based Transition


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Presentation transcript:

Performance Based Transition Henk J. Hof Manager Strategy and Performance (EUROCONTROL)

Performance Based Transition Knowing the past, the present, understanding the future and determining and following the road to the future Performance Based

Overview: Performance Based Presentation Target: Ensure audience Understands Performance Based Transition How will ICAO/ATMRPP Help you? Performance Based Transition How to follow a performance based Transition Approach ? Performance How to understand Performance ? WHY Performance Driven ? 0 min 30 min. Time

Overview: Performance Based Presentation Target: Ensure audience Understands Performance Based Transition Performance Based Transition Performance WHY Performance Driven ? 0 min 30 min. Time

WHY Performance Driven ? To be PRO-ACTIVE Just-in-time planning of Improvements Not too late Not too early Anticipating Build and maintain positive image SUSTAINABLE

Overview: Performance Based Presentation Target: Ensure audience Understands Performance Based Transition Performance Based Transition Performance How to understand Performance ? WHY Performance Driven ? 0 min 30 min. Time

How to understand Performance ? The past and now: Performance Review (performance) Data capture Analysis (trends) Reporting How to improve: Performance Planning Understanding performance impact Validation

Understanding Performance: Performance review example - Flight - hours controlled ATCO hours on operational duty ATCOs in operations Employment costs of operational ATCOs Total operating costs (staff and non staff) hour productivity Working hours per ATCO Employment cost Support cost ratio Operating costs per flight

Understanding Performance: Performance Influence example Rostering Infrastructure & Human Resource Management Operations ATCO hours on operational duty ATCOs in operations Traffic demand Movements controlled Distance controlled Flight hours controlled ATCO employment cost Support cost Total operating costs

Overview: Performance Based Presentation Target: Ensure audience Understands Performance Based Transition How to follow a performance based Transition Approach ? Performance Based Transition Performance How to understand Performance ? WHY Performance Driven ? 0 min 30 min. Time

Performance Based Transition Approach STEP 3 STEP 2 STEP 1 What are the ATM community expectations? What is the current traffic and the expected traffic evolution? What are the current roadmaps and plans? What are the performance objectives? How to measure performance? What is the current and planned ATM performance? What are the current and anticipated performance gaps and their reasons? What are the available options for operational improvement? What is the Global ATM Operational Concept and associated system requirements? What selection and sequence of operational improvements addresses current and anticipated performance gaps? What are the resulting updates to current roadmaps and plans? What are the performance targets? 12 11 10 9 8 7 4 6 5 3 2 1

An example: - Airport approaches - Environment/Noise This slide shows the result of introducing RNAV procedures at Frankfurt Airport in Germany, and has been provided courtesy of Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS). It shows how RNAV can be used to ensure that aircraft maintain track-keeping when following a particular approach procedure. The upper-left and lower-right graphs clearly show the difference between traditional and RNAV approaches, in particular the repeatability that comes through RNAV, leading to the concentration of flight paths over a very limited area. This concentration of flight paths will limit the area affected by aircraft noise, thereby reducing the total number of people whose lives may be affected. Nevertheless it is clear that, in order to reduce the impact of noise even further, additional measures may have to be taken, such as providing improved noise insulation in the worst affected areas. It should also be noted that the combination of RNAV operations with improvements to engine and airframe technology together can limit the vulnerability of civil aviation to any actions seeking compensation for the nuisance caused.

STEP 1 e.g. Max 20 noise e.g. Number of complaints Violations in 2010 Or -50% complaints in 2010 e.g. Number of complaints e.g. Number of noise violations STEP 1 1 2 3 5 What are the ATM community expectations? What are the performance objectives? How to measure performance? What are the performance targets? 4 What is the current traffic and the expected traffic evolution? The ATM system should contribute to the protection of the environment by considering noise, gaseous emissions and other environmental issues in the implementation and operation of the global ATM system European annual traffic volume is expected to be 73% higher in 2020 than in 2005 (measured in flights) Noise emissions and their impacts are minimised for each flight to the extent possible.

STEP 2 Maintain Conventional Arrivals Expected Performance 6 7 8 What are the current roadmaps and plans? What is the current and planned ATM performance? What are the current and anticipated performance gaps and their reasons? Time (years) Nbr of NOISE Violations Target e.g. 20 violations Expected Performance Performance Gap e.g. 2010 Maintain Conventional Arrivals

Current Roadmap: Conventional Arrivals This slide shows the result of introducing RNAV procedures at Frankfurt Airport in Germany, and has been provided courtesy of Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS). It shows how RNAV can be used to ensure that aircraft maintain track-keeping when following a particular approach procedure. The upper-left and lower-right graphs clearly show the difference between traditional and RNAV approaches, in particular the repeatability that comes through RNAV, leading to the concentration of flight paths over a very limited area. This concentration of flight paths will limit the area affected by aircraft noise, thereby reducing the total number of people whose lives may be affected. Nevertheless it is clear that, in order to reduce the impact of noise even further, additional measures may have to be taken, such as providing improved noise insulation in the worst affected areas. It should also be noted that the combination of RNAV operations with improvements to engine and airframe technology together can limit the vulnerability of civil aviation to any actions seeking compensation for the nuisance caused. Courtesy DFS

STEP 3 What are the available options for operational improvement? What is the Global ATM Operational Concept and associated system requirements? What selection and sequence of operational improvements addresses current and anticipated performance gaps? What are the resulting updates to current roadmaps and plans? 12 11 10 9 Understanding performance Influence Trade-offs Ensure that environmental issues are considered in the design, development, and operation of all aspects of the ATM system

AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AT AIRPORTS Understanding Performance Influence Sound source position AIR NOISE Sound emission time of day Sound level Airspace Design Navigation Applications ATC Procedures & Intervention Controller Support Timely delivery of aircraft Noise abatement procedures Aircraft configuration management GROUND NOISE AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AT AIRPORTS Airfield environmental management procedures Useable airport capacity

From Conventional to RNAV Arrivals Harmonising aircraft performance This slide shows the result of introducing RNAV procedures at Frankfurt Airport in Germany, and has been provided courtesy of Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS). It shows how RNAV can be used to ensure that aircraft maintain track-keeping when following a particular approach procedure. The upper-left and lower-right graphs clearly show the difference between traditional and RNAV approaches, in particular the repeatability that comes through RNAV, leading to the concentration of flight paths over a very limited area. This concentration of flight paths will limit the area affected by aircraft noise, thereby reducing the total number of people whose lives may be affected. Nevertheless it is clear that, in order to reduce the impact of noise even further, additional measures may have to be taken, such as providing improved noise insulation in the worst affected areas. It should also be noted that the combination of RNAV operations with improvements to engine and airframe technology together can limit the vulnerability of civil aviation to any actions seeking compensation for the nuisance caused. Courtesy DFS

Continuous Descent Approach

Performance Based Transition Approach STEP 1 What are the ATM community expectations? What is the current traffic and the expected traffic evolution? What are the performance objectives? How to measure performance? What are the performance targets? 4 5 3 2 1 STEP 2 What are the current roadmaps and plans? What is the current and planned ATM performance? What are the current and anticipated performance gaps and their reasons? 8 7 6 STEP 3 What are the available options for operational improvement? What is the Global ATM Operational Concept and associated system requirements? What selection and sequence of operational improvements addresses current and anticipated performance gaps? What are the resulting updates to current roadmaps and plans? 12 11 10 9

Overview: Performance Based Presentation Target: Ensure audience Understands Performance Based Transition How will ICAO/ATMRPP Help you? How to follow a performance based Transition Approach ? How to understand Performance ? WHY Performance Driven ? Performance Based Transition Performance 0 min 30 min. Time

ICAO ATM Requirements and Performance Panel: providing guidance Predecessor: ATM Concept Panel Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept (published) The target ATMRPP: ATM System Requirements Supporting the Global ATM Concept (available) Performance Based Transition Guidelines (available) Global Performance Manual Ready by end 2007

Conclusions Understanding Performance is Key for successful transition Past, current and future 3-step transition approach Set targets Identify and understand performance gaps Select and plan Operational Improvements The Future is Performance based

Overview: Performance Based Presentation Target: Ensure audience Understands Performance Based Transition How will ICAO/ATMRPP Help you? Performance Based Transition How to follow a performance based How to measure?? Applause Number of questions `Type of questions Feedback form Performance Transition Approach ? How to understand Performance ? WHY Performance Driven ? 0 min 30 min. Time