Arizona Pediatric Disaster Coalition Workshop 2017 Arizona Pediatric Disaster Coalition Workshop Phoenix Country Club, Phoenix, AZ Audience Response System May 23, 2017
In the past month, have you been to a movie? Yes No
Do you have a better understanding of issues facing children and their families during an infectious disease outbreak? Yes No
Do you have a better understanding of the pediatric requirements under the new Hospital Preparedness Program Cooperative Agreement? Yes No
Do you have a better understanding of planning for scarce pediatric pharmaceutical resources? Yes No
Do you have a better understanding of the impact of opiates on newborns? Yes No
Do you have a better understanding of Arizona’s pediatric prepared emergency care certification? Yes No
Do you work for a hospital? Yes No
Hospital Representatives Response Only
If you work for a hospital; do you know if you are a pediatric prepared emergency care certified hospital or non-certified hospital? Yes, certified No, not certified Not sure
If you work for a hospital and you are a non-certified hospital; do you intend to seek certification (pediatric prepared emergency care)? Yes No
THANK YOU Ruth E. Penn| Preparedness Training Coordinator | (602)-768-1624 @azdhs