Isolation and Loneliness in Bristol Needs Analysis
Population Population % of Total Bristol 442,474 100% Over 50 123,381 27.88% Over 60 77,456 17.51% Over 70 41,176 9.31% Over 80 17,502 3.96% Over 90 3,510 0.8%
Neighbourhood Partnership Geography Neighbourhood Partnership Total population Over 50’s % of population Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill 50,107 9,188 18.34 Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston 20,757 6,981 33.63 Bishopston, Cotham and Redland 36,977 8,074 21.84 Central, Clifton and Harbourside 44,152 7,361 16.67 Dundry View 29,492 9,794 33.21 Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill 39,980 10,780 26.96 Greater Bedminster 24,001 6,224 25.93 Greater Brislington 22,608 6,822 30.18 Greater Fishponds 39,316 11,565 29.42 Henbury, Brentry and Southmead 24,573 8,053 32.77 Stockwood, Hengrove and Whitchurch 29,061 11,752 40.44 Henleaze, Stoke Bishop and Westbury-on-Trym 31,338 12,511 39.92 Horfield and Lockleaze 25,210 6,807 27.00 St George 24,902 7,469 29.99 Bristol 442,474 123,381 27.88
Neighbourhood Partnership Loneliness Ranking Neighbourhood Partnership Loneliness Ranking Over 75’s % of population Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill 1 1,669 6.1% Greater Fishponds 2 2,726 9.9% Henbury, Brentry and Southmead 3 1,853 6.7% Horfield and Lockleaze 4 1,617 5.9% Dundry View 5 3,081 11.2% St George 6 1,687 Stockwood, Hengrove and Whitchurch 7 2,229 8.1% Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston 8 1,187 4.3% Filwood, Knowle and Windmill Hill 9 1,905 6.9% Henleaze, Stoke Bishop and Westbury-on-Trym 10 3,642 13.2% Greater Bedminster 11 1,769 6.4% Greater Brislington 12 1,538 5.6% Central, Clifton and Harbourside 13 1,179 4.35% Bishopston, Cotham and Redland 14 1,405 5.1%
BAB Conversations 2014 In Winter 2013-14, the team writing the BAB bid spoke to 1783 Older people. 297 were aged between 50 and 65 1104 were aged between 66 and 84 259 were aged 85+ 123 didn’t record their age. The following slides show the results of this consultation.
Q1: What do you think might be the best way of stopping older people getting lonely? Social clubs/activities 825 Befriending 375 Improved transport 369 More information about local activities 251 Visits to peoples homes 178 Connections between young & old 149 Creating meeting places 141 Teaching computer skills 117 Lunch club 113 Community action to identify lonely OP 107 Regular contact with friends and family 90 Encouraging volunteering 86 Talking to neighbours 56 Improve access to public facilities 50 Going out to meet and talk to people 46
Q2: Are there any things already going on in Bristol which are particularly good that we should be doing more of? LinkAge 127 Lunch clubs 126 Social clubs 90 Walking groups 75 Exercise clubs 69 Coffee Mornings 58 U3A 55 Foot Prints 53 Malcom X Centre 52 Bus passes 50 Sitting services Dhek Bhal Singing in a choir 46 Churches / Faith Groups 37 Befriending 32
Q2: Are there any things already going on in Bristol which are particularly good that we should be doing more of? Sheltered/Communal Housing Community Bus Film clubs Events at the harbourside Golden Agers Activities in care homes Free transport to activities Computer clubs Contact the Elderly Voluntary work Sewing groups Bereavement Friendship Groups Celebrating Age Festival Going into schools Careline Warmth at Heart - Winter Pressure Bristol & Avon Chinese Women's Group Community activities Dial A Ride Reduced theatre tickets Chinese Association Red Cross Volunteering Dementia Café Bristol Rovers Extra Time BOPF Singing for the brain Day centres Southmead Over 50s Group Age UK Bristol Evergreens Club The Making Time group Hospital groups for people with similar health problems Day trips Bingo Mobile Library WE Care and Repair Activities with music North Bristol Advice Centre Telephone befriending Southville Centre clubs Gardening clubs Arts and crafts at the Cameron Centre, Lockleaze Linking existing groups together Political Campaigning for older people's rights Withywood Community Centre Vassall Centre Knowle West Media Centre Knitting Circles Beehive Centre Museums and visitor attractions Mental Health Matters courses Carers Trust Meals on Wheels Friendship clubs WI Quiz nights The 600 Club Eagle House Footcare Clinics Knowle West Health Park Bristol Drugs Project Bristol Neighbourhood Partnerships Happy City courses Hartwood Social Club Citizens Advice More at home helpers Brunelcare Social Mirror Intergenerational work Street parties Salvation Army Dementia Awareness Lip reading class Elderflowers Group Dementia Family Carers Group The Meade Sprint Talks at Central Library Monday club at the Cathedral Silver Service Adult learning classes Cookery classes ACTA Home Instead service
Q3: Are there any groups of older people in Bristol that you think need particular help? Mental and physical health problems 523 Housebound 223 Living alone 221 Without transport 144 Without friends or family 141 Dementia 126 Bereaved 117 BME 107 First language not English 93 Carers 51 Depression/Anxiety LGBT 44 Low income 41 Living in Sheltered Housing 31 Homeless 28 Without IT skills or access 25 85+ 20 People who misuse drugs Care homes 16