Lesson 729 Memory Verse 1 Samuel 12:20 Main Text 1 Samuel 12:1-25
In our last Volume, Israel got a human king
Today’s focus Samuel Requests Israel To Assess His Acts Samuel Rehearses God’s Acts To Israel Samuel Rebukes Israel For Their Foolish Acts Today’s focus
SAMUEL: A challenge to all youths today… Born into a godly home but grew among corrupt youths. Lived to the glory of God and the praise of his parents. Was not influenced or corrupted by evil association. Was personally committed to God and His service. 1 Samuel 12:3 SAMUEL: A challenge to all youths today…
Looking Back at God’s past faithfulness 1Sam.12:6-15; Micah 6:1-5 In Egypt At the Red Sea Through Gideon By Jephthah From Oppressors
After granting their heart desires… Samuel found it necessary to: Request Israel to assess him Relay to them God’s past mighty acts. Rebuke them of their foolish acts. 1 Sam. 12: 4; 1 Timothy 3:7; Revelation 22:12 After granting their heart desires…
Rejection of God’s leadership Isaiah 31: 1 Implication of asking for a human king
Samuel’s Rebuke and Counsel He rebuked them their wicked wrong decision Charged them to repent Counselled them to continue in obedience to God 1 Samuel 20: 20-23
Samuel’s prayer points us to the necessity of consistent prayer-life Prayer helps us to walk consistently with God. It helps us to receive strength for daily walk and grace to overcome the tempter. Prayer helps us to crucify the flesh, conquer the world and its allurements. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Questions How can Christian youths live like Samuel today? Mention some facts raised by Samuel at Gilgal. Mention some deliverances God did for Israel. What was the implication of Israel’s demand for a king? What was Samuel’s counsel to Israel after their commitment to obey God? Why is prayer necessary in our consistent walk with God? Questions
Reference for image on the cover slide and slides 3 and 5 nite+1+Samuel+12&view=detailv2&&id=99EB255C5CEE 8E163065ED6A4D6A2289B7711AA8&selectedIndex=15& ccid=COGBNZlZ&simid=608030970779600616&thid=OI P.M08e1813599590a31f3f327df32bf1b89H0&ajaxhist=0 s+the+Children+of+Israel+pictures&ie=utf-8&oe=utf- 8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&client=firefox- a&channel=fflb&gfe_rd=cr&ei=QQ57WPiHHZPs8Afl mqSABw&gws_rd=ssl Reference for image on the cover slide and slides 3 and 5