Lent, Holy Week and Easter
Aim: What is Lent? Lent is the 40 day preparation for the celebration of Easter Lent Begins on Ash Wednesday 4/24 9th period Ashes in the form of the cross are put on the forehead to remind us that God made us Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence Day of fast – no eating between meal, two small meal and one regular meal Abstinence – no meat, all the Friday’s during Lent We observed it with three pillars or practices Prayer Fasting Almsgiving 2nd period 4/24
Aim: What is Holy Week? Holy Week is the week prior to Easter. The church observes Holy Week with solemn celebration of Jesus’ Last supper, suffering, death and resurrection Holy Thursday = Last Supper = first Eucharist Jesus washed the feet of his disciples = example of service Chrism Mass – three oils are blessed by the Bishop Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 4/26 2nd & 9th periods
III. Good Friday IV. Holy Saturday Jesus dies on the cross Stations of the cross Passion of Our Lord according to John is read Veneration of the cross Eucharist distributed (not a Mass) IV. Holy Saturday Easter Vigil – Jesus rose from the dead Fire and water blessing RCIA initiated
Aim: What is Easter? Jesus is in the tomb for three days Good Friday till Easter Sunday Easter is the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead Easter season last 50 Days Feast of the Ascension of our Lord on Ascension Thursday – 40 days after Easter Jesus retunes to our Father in heaven Pentecost – Holy Spirit descend on the Apostles – 50 days aster Easter Birthday of the Church – when the Apostle go out to spread the good news