Opening Prayer We Pray for those who have no peace For those who are troubled and torn apart by lack of self esteem For those who torment and victimise the vulnerable We pray for men and women affected by violence in their homes and for those who live by violence. May they learn your love and somehow come to the newness of life even in the midst of despair AMEN
Video Time! the desert. Why is the devil tempting him? This Video is about Jesus fasting in the desert. Why is the devil tempting him? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5bfxGNMY9c
Maundy Thursday What does Maundy mean? Why is it called Maundy Thursday? Who betrayed Jesus? How many disciples did Jesus have?
Good Friday Why is it called Good Friday if Jesus died? How do you think Mary felt? Which disciple was comforting Mary during the crucifixion? How do you think Jesus felt when he was nailed to the cross?
Holy Saturday Why is it holy if Jesus was buried that day? Can you name a nickname for Holy Saturday? Why do some people call it Easter Eve? When is Holy Saturday?
Easter Sunday Who did Mary meet when she went to put the spices on Jesus’s body? How do you think she felt at that time? Did the disciples believe Mary? Who did Jesus disguise as in the garden?
Video Time! Think about the pain Jesus went through. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JroyjxTx7ls This Video is about the crucifixion Think about the pain Jesus went through.
The Temptation In The Wilderness
Thank you for watching our Assembly! The end! Thank you for watching our Assembly!