Our Common Home A Lenten resource


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Presentation transcript:

Our Common Home A Lenten resource

Where do you stand? Called to Care Week two Where do you stand? Called to Care Introduction In the second week of the Spiritual exercises, you are invited to see in the world a battle between the forces of good and evil. You must choose to be active on one side or the other. What kind of life is God calling you to lead? This calling is the same as that experienced by the first disciples of Jesus. Following Jesus they reached out to those who were excluded from society and shared the good news of God’s love for us. We will learn more about what ‘caring’ truly means, particularly for our environment. By Fr Charles Chilufya, SJ

Jesuit Missions is a member and proud supporter of the Climate Coalition. A group of 100 organisations fighting against climate change. In June 2015, we attended a lobby in Westminster, where we spoke to our MPs face to face. This was our slogan. We campaign for climate protection because we agree that negative changes are happening. We campaign because we believe that positive action and cooperation causes good change. We do this because we believe that God is in all.

The earth we live on is the only Common Home we have… In 2015, Pope Francis wrote an Encyclical on the environment called Laudato Si. He calls the earth Our Common Home, and speaks passionately about ways we can and should care for her. He speaks about how the poor are most hurt by climate change and the impact this is having worldwide - “There has been a tragic rise in the number of migrants seeking to flee from the growing poverty caused by environmental degradation…”.

Prayer Caring in the Scripture ‘Then the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it.’ Genesis 2:15 In Laudato Si, the Pope begins by talking about Creation. ‘We are not God’, he says, ‘The earth was here before us and it has been given to us’. We have been given a responsibility to keep the earth going and to care for it, not just for ourselves but for other to come too.

Reflection How can we truly care? The concept of Cura Personalis Cura personalis is a Catholic and Jesuit concept. Cura personalis means taking care of the whole person, giving individualised attention to the needs and circumstances of others, and appreciate everyone’s singular gifts. Taking care of others and cooperating with them, are profoundly Christian and Jesuit actions. It also extends to taking care of our planet.

We can show care for our environment by taking action. Caring is not simply a response to suffering. Caring is a way of life. Caring is natural for humans. Caring knows no rules… In 2015, Jesuit Missions showed how they cared by attending two major environment actions in London. In 2016, there are lots more to come, and we would like you to join us!

Everyone is called to take action! Here are some pupils from Wimbledon College. They joined Jesuit Missions in June 2015 to speak to politicians about how much we care for our world and what need to be done to keep her alive. For most of them, this was their first experience of taking political action. It was an exciting day, and made a lasting impact!

Caring means paying attention to others’ needs… …Recognising that o0ur environmental actions have a greater impact in other parts of the world… … let us taking part in other people’s struggles …Learning to ask “how are you, what are you going through?”

Caring means being interested in others… …Helping others to grow and being interested in their future …Hoping and dreaming with others as God does (Jeremiah 29:11) …Having hopes and dreams for others …Facing uncertainty with others

An action to practice care This valentines day, why not show your love for Our Common Home by creating a green heart! Jesuit Missions, in partnership with the Climate Coalition, is encouraging all of our schools to Show Their Love for our environment by making a green heart. The instruction on how to do this can be downloaded here: http://forthelove of.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/FTLO_Val16_SupporterPack.pdf, or from the Jesuit Missions website. X

‘When I was hungry you gave me to eat…’ (Matt 25)

‘When I was thirsty... you gave me to drink...’ (Matt 25)

Caring means being together as one

© Copyright Jesuit Missions 2016 Text by Fr Charles Chilufya, SJ and Samantha Aidoo All photos were taken by Ashleigh Callow, Gioia Caminada, Richard Greenwood, Samantha Aidoo and teachers of Jesuit schools. Users are welcome to modify the material to fit their needs. jesuitmissions.org.uk education@jesuitmissions.org.uk Facebook: Jesuit Missions UK Twitter: @JesuitMissions