STAR and RAFT STAR Group is the Severn Trainees Anaesthetic Research (STAR) Group, which is a trainee led initiative to encourage trainee involvement in research, audit and quality improvement within the region. STAR is a member of the Research and Audit Federation of Trainees (RAFT), which is a pan-UK trainee research collaboration. iHypE was chosen as RAFT’s annual research project and ALL UK trainee research networks are supporting iHypE. All UK TRN (trainee research networks) are supporting iHyPE.
iHypE A multicentre observational study of the incidence, severity and treatment thresholds of intraoperative hypotension (IOH) in patients aged over 65 years in the UK. Funding granted from the NIAA and the study has been adopted onto the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) portfolio. NIHR Portfolio status incentivizes Trusts to participate with high quality research of National importance.
Aims The primary aim is to describe the prevalence of documented IOH, including the minimum intraoperative blood pressure and length of time spent at this pressure, in patients aged 65 years old or greater, in the UK. Secondary aims are to determine routinely applied treatment thresholds, both clinically applied (observed from anaesthetic records) and stated (from a clinician survey), and to highlight outcomes associated with IOH in the elderly.
Methodology iHypE is a national snapshot observational study in patients aged ≥65 years having surgery under general or regional anaesthesia. Data collection will occur at the end of November 2016 for a 48 hour period. Inclusion: aged ≥65 years, receiving general or regional anaesthesia, either alone or in combination for emergency or elective surgery during the study dates. Exclusion: cardiopulmonary bypass, sedation only.
Data Collection Post-operative review of anaesthetic chart. Anonymous clinician questionnaire to ascertain individual practice in relation to the treatment of low blood pressure during surgery. Outcomes will be followed up at 30 days post operatively. Data will be entered electronically from NHS desktop computers via a secure encrypted connection into an online portal managed by RAFT and hosted by NHS Scotland.
Find out more iHypE Study Study website: Twitter: @PIhype STAR Group Email: Website: Twitter @STAResearch